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Can you stop life within you? You can’t prevent life from transpiring, yet you can pick how you react. On the off chance that you clutch the hurt, on the off chance that you harp on the offense, at that point you’re opening the entryway to bitterness. That’s it!!!



Yes, this life is brief and its shortness could also bring persistent sadness if joy is not at sight. Joy to rejoicing is available for us in Christ Jesus. Put it this way, life is too short to even consider letting what occurred in the past keep you from the extraordinary things God has in your future. That’s it!!!



A NEW BEGINNING UPLOADING… You may have committed errors previously, that is alright. We as a whole have. But i say to you now, begin to make things right. Give today a chance to be a fresh start. Try not to go the following thirty years giving similar things a chance to keep you down.

Heaven is Better!

Heaven is Better!

Welcome to the website of Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Power-Age International. The vision of this ministry is to advance the Christian religion by propagating the Gospel of Jesus Christ, thus proclaiming the Kingdom of God. In this Church, prayer advances people and God’s Word sets people free totally for THE TIME OF POWER IS NOW! WATCHWORD FOR YEAR 2018 (Ephesians 2:14 KJV) “For he is our peace, who hath made both one, and hath broken down the middle wall of…

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Services & Location

Services & Location

Time of Power; Joy for All…Join the service where Prayers to God advance you and God’s words set you free totally!!!   Sunday Service: (10am – 12:30pm) 1st Sun – Victory Thanksgiving Service 2nd Sun – Breakthrough Service 3rd Sun – Dig Deep Service 4th Sun – Solution Service   Wednesdays: (7pm – 9pm) Worship Centre (The Hall and Holy Communion at the Chapel) 1st Wed – Praise Night 2nd Wed – Hour of Accomplishment 3rd Wed – Time of…

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Contact Us

Contact Us

Email for questions and comments. Thank you. The registered office headquarters: 28 NIGHTINGALE CORNER WOTTON GREEN, ORPINGTON KENT BR5 3PS UNITED KINGDOM We are still constructing this site. Please email us with suggestions and questions!