“As a man thinks in his heart, so is he,” declares Proverbs. As a result, he also warns us: That our life will go in the direction of our most dominant thoughts. Therefore, you must protect your heart above all else because “everything you do flows from it,” according to Proverbs 4:23. It does not state that “some” things originate in your heart; “Everything,” it says. If you let negative thoughts like an offence, a fear, or a worry linger in your mind, they will seep into your heart and lead to a negative attitude. Without being hindered by your negative thoughts and attitudes, life is already difficult enough. If you have a negative attitude and an incorrect perspective, many of the challenges you face will overwhelm you. You need to take control of the thoughts that are playing in your mind and governing your heart if you are going to become everything that God intends for you to be. You have the ability to think of His thoughts and build your life around them, as well as His Word. The key is that. You can’t control what other people do, say, or think; you also can’t control everything that happens to you; however, you can control what you think. Attitudes are within your control. By allowing God to use the power of His Word to refresh your mind, transform your thinking, and guard your heart’s attitude, you can control the filters you use. This can begin right now. That’s it!!!

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