Have you not heard that in life, you’d come to these times where you’re at a gate, a closed-door? Yes, facing an entrance or doorway, you don’t have the code to open? You don’t know how you can get through it; it’s too big, an iron gate – don’t worry, God has the remote. There’s not a gate you’re behind that God doesn’t have control over. It works from heaven. All He has to do is push the button, so to speak, give the command, and angels go to work. These mighty warriors powerful forces that carry out God’s power. When you come to a closed door, an iron gate like I was watching for my company, knowing that they wouldn’t be able to get in on their own, how much more is God watching for you? How much more is He aware of what you need, where you are, what you’re up against? He knows when you’re at a big gate, an iron door, you don’t have the code. The sickness is gawking at you. The financial problem, the child that’s off the course, you’re locked out, no way you can get past that gate. Now, stay in peace: I say to you, God sees you, and He has the remote. When it’s the right time, that gate will open. Chains will be broken. Bars of iron will be cut in two. When God wants it open, nothing can stop Him. Yes, I declare that the time for the opening of doors is here! That’s it!!!