Apostolic Legacy and the Call for Revival: A Centenary Reflection for CAC Nigeria and Overseas
As the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas approach their centenary milestone in 2030, the legacy of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola looms large, serving as a beacon of spiritual fervour and miraculous manifestation. Apostle Babalola, who passed away in 1959, continues to speak to us through the annals of history, his life marked by encounters with the supernatural and a burning passion for revival. In light of his extraordinary ministry and the miraculous signs and wonders he experienced, the call for Revival and Unity within the CAC resonates powerfully, beckoning the church to a renewed commitment to its foundational values and mission. This discourse explores the significance of Apostle Babalola’s legacy, the urgency of Revival and Unity in the church today, and the transformative potential as the CAC embarks on its centenary celebration.
Imagine the modern-day interpretation of the second phase of Oke-Oye’s Revival. Delve into the successive divine insights granted to Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, which catalysed the revival of the 1930s and the subsequent establishment of CAC Nigeria and Overseas.
In contemporary terms, the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival would involve a renewed outpouring of the Holy Spirit and a deepening of spiritual fervour among believers. This revival would be characterised by an increased emphasis on prayer, fasting, and seeking God’s face for guidance and direction.
The cumulative Revelations of God to Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola that led to the 1930s revival would be revisited and reemphasised, reminding believers of the powerful encounters that birthed a movement of faith and miracles. These revelations include Babalola’s calling to preach the Gospel, encounters with angels and divine visitations, and prophetic visions of impending judgment and revival.
The subsequent birth of Christ Apostolic Church Nigeria would be celebrated as a testament to God’s faithfulness and the pioneering spirit of Babalola and his fellow believers. The church’s founding principles of holiness, prayer, and evangelism would be reaffirmed as the foundation of their faith and practice.
In a contemporary context, the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival would remind believers of God’s power and presence in their midst, inspiring them to seek revival in their own lives and communities. It would be a call to repentance, faith, and a renewed commitment to living out the Gospel in word and deed.
By reflection, the call to prayer, fasting, and seeking God’s face for the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival would provoke current members and leaders of the Church to deepen their relationship with God. It would challenge them to set aside dedicated time for prayer and fasting, seeking divine direction and empowerment for the tasks ahead – a reminder of the powerful encounters that birthed the 1930s revival would stir a renewed passion and hunger for God’s presence and power among believers, driving them to seek a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit in their lives and ministry.
It would be a rare opportunity to expand on the cumulative revelations of God to Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola to serve as a source of inspiration and encouragement for current members and leaders of the Church. As they revisit these foundational experiences, they will be reminded of God’s faithfulness and the miraculous works He performed through Babalola and the early believers. These revelations would spark a renewed faith and expectation for God to move in similar miraculous ways in the present time, stirring believers to boldness and faith in stepping out in obedience to God’s leading.
Regarding the subsequent birth of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, current members and leaders would be challenged to reflect on the founding principles of holiness, prayer, and evangelism that shaped the early church. The legacy of Babalola and the pioneering spirit of the early believers would serve as a model for contemporary believers to follow, inspiring them to walk in the same faith and commitment to the Gospel. The church’s birth would be seen as a divine establishment ordained by God, setting a precedent for God’s continued work and revival in the present day.
In light of the promise that the glory of the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival would excel over that of the first leg in 1930, current members and leaders of the Church would be challenged to step out in faith and expectation for a more significant move of God. The prophetic declaration of God’s surpassing glory would ignite a sense of anticipation and readiness among believers, stirring them to prepare their hearts and minds for the mighty works that God desires to do in their midst. This promise would serve as a beacon of hope and encouragement, fueling the prayers and efforts of believers as they press in for a mighty outpouring of God’s Spirit in the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival.
That’s to say that in the footsteps of Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola, CAC Nigeria and overseas is called to a season of revival and unity, a time set apart by God Almighty for a fresh outpouring of His Spirit and a gathering together of His people in powerful unity and purpose. Just as in the 1930s when Babalola experienced profound encounters with God that birthed a mighty revival, so too are current members and leaders of CAC Nigeria and overseas invited to draw near to God in prayer, fasting, and seeking His face for a new move of His Spirit.
The cumulative revelations given to Apostle Babalola serve as a foundation and guiding light for the church today, reminding believers of God’s faithfulness and the miraculous works He performed in the past. These revelations beckon us to a deeper intimacy with God, where we can hear His voice clearly and discern His will for this present time. As we revisit these sacred encounters, we are inspired to press into God with renewed faith and expectation, believing in signs and wonders that testify to His power and glory.
The birth of CAC Nigeria and Overseas is a testament to God’s sovereignty and divine purpose in establishing a community of believers committed to holiness, prayer, and evangelism. The legacy of Babalola and the early pioneers of the church serve as a model for us today, urging us to walk in their footsteps with the same fervour and dedication to the gospel. As we align ourselves with the founding principles of CAC, we position ourselves to receive God’s blessings and favour, inviting His presence to dwell among us and empower us for His kingdom work.
The promise of surpassing glory in the second leg of Oke-Oye’s Revival ignites a flame of hope and anticipation in the hearts of believers, compelling us to press forward with unwavering faith and expectation for God’s mighty works. As we unite in prayer and purpose, seeking God’s face and aligning ourselves with His will, we prepare for a profound outpouring of His Spirit that will transform lives, communities, and nations. Let us rally together in unity and faith, believing that God is faithful in fulfilling His promises and will lead us into a season of unprecedented revival and unity in CAC Nigeria and overseas.
Nonetheless, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola had a profound understanding of the importance of Revival, Unity, and Purpose in the Church. He believed that these elements were crucial for the church to fulfil its mandate of spreading the Gospel and impacting the world for Christ. Babalola knew that true Revival could only come when believers were united in heart and purpose, seeking God with readiness of mind and a commitment to holy living.
For Apostle Babalola, Revival was not just a series of emotional meetings or spectacular events, but a deep, transformative work of the Holy Spirit in the hearts of believers. He believed that Revival required a total surrender to God, a humble and contrite heart, and a willingness to be used by the Holy Spirit for His purposes. Babalola often emphasized the importance of prayer, fasting, and seeking God’s face as essential components of Revival, knowing that it is only through intimacy with God that true Revival can be birthed.
Additionally, Apostle Babalola understood the importance of unity among believers in the Church. He knew that a divided house could not stand, and that unity among believers was crucial for the effective spread of the Gospel. Babalola believed that unity was not just about doctrinal agreement, but about a shared commitment to Christ and His mission. He encouraged believers to put aside their differences and come together in love and harmony, knowing that unity in the spirit would bring about great power and blessing.
Furthermore, Babalola saw the importance of living a holy and separated life as a key component of Revival and unity in the Church. He believed that holiness was not just a set of rules or regulations, but a lifestyle that reflected the character of God. Babalola lived a life of purity, integrity, and devotion to God, setting an example for others to follow. He knew that a holy and consecrated life was necessary for the manifestation of God’s power and glory in the Church.
Lastly, Apostle Babalola believed in the importance of miraculous signs and wonders as evidence of God’s presence and power in the Church. He had a strong faith in God’s ability to perform miracles and believed that signs and wonders were a natural outflow of a genuine Revival and unity among believers. Babalola witnessed countless miracles and supernatural manifestations during his ministry, demonstrating the power and authority of God at work in the lives of His people.
Intriguingly, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola’s mindset on Revival, Unity, and Purpose was deeply rooted in his commitment to seeking God with readiness of mind, living a holy and separated life, and expecting miraculous signs and wonders as evidence of God’s presence and power. His example serves as a timeless reminder for believers in the Christ Apostolic Church in Nigeria and oveOjo Emmanuel Ademola, a Pastor and the General Evangelist of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, is writing to you from London with warm greetings!h.
Trending, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola was known for his fervent and powerful prayers that often provoked miraculous signs and wonders during Revival meetings. One of his key prayers was for a fresh outpouring of the Holy Spirit upon the people, believing that it was only through the power of the Holy Spirit that true miracles could take place. Babalola would pray for the Spirit of God to move mightily among the congregation, filling them with His presence and manifesting His glory in their midst.
Another prayer that Babalola often prayed was for the restoration of broken relationships and unity among believers. He understood the importance of unity in the body of Christ and would intercede on behalf of the Church for a spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, and love to reign among the brethren. Babalola believed that when believers were united in heart and purpose, God would release His power and perform miraculous signs and wonders in their midst.
Additionally, Babalola would pray for the sick and the afflicted, invoking the healing power of Jesus Christ to touch their bodies and bring about supernatural restoration. He believed in the authority of the name of Jesus to heal the sick, raise the dead, and cast out demons, and would boldly pray for divine intervention in the lives of those in need. Babalola’s faith in God’s ability to perform miracles through prayer was unwavering, and many testimonies of miraculous healings and deliverances followed his prayers.
Moreover, Babalola would often pray for the salvation of souls, interceding for the lost and the unsaved to come to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ. He believed that Revival was not just about signs and wonders, but about the transformation of hearts and the turning of souls to God. Babalola would cry out to God for a great harvest of souls and a revival of evangelism in the Church, knowing that the greatest miracle of all was the salvation of a soul.
Essentially, Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola’s prayers to provoke miraculous signs and wonders in Revival were marked by a deep reliance on the power of the Holy Spirit, a commitment to unity and reconciliation among believers, a passion for healing and deliverance, and a burden for the salvation of souls. His prayers were not just words spoken in vain, but powerful declarations of faith that ushered in the supernatural presence and power of God in the midst of Revival meetings. May we also learn from his example and pray with faith and expectation for God to move mightily in our midst today.
Although Apostle Babalola passed away in 1959, his teachings continue to resonate in accordance with the Scriptures. If he were alive today, how would he envision the mindset for revival driven by miraculous signs and wonders, aiming to bring about the second phase of Oke-Oye’s Revival? This revival would be anchored in his past feats of raising a dead man to life in 1930 and resurrecting a deceased child at Oke-Oye in Ilesa.
If Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola were alive today, his mindset for Revival driving by miraculous signs and wonders would be anchored on his unwavering faith in the power of God to perform miracles beyond comprehension. Drawing from his own experiences of raising a dead man to life in 1930 and a dead child at Oke-Oye Ilesa, Babalola would continue to emphasize the importance of signs and wonders as a demonstration of God’s glory and power in the world.
Babalola would urge believers to seek a deeper intimacy with God through prayer, fasting, and holy living, knowing that it is only through a lifestyle of surrender and obedience that the miraculous can truly manifest. He would call on the Church to be a beacon of light in a dark world, proclaiming the gospel with boldness and demonstrating the reality of God’s kingdom through signs and wonders.
Apostle Babalola would also stress the importance of unity among believers, emphasizing the need for the body of Christ to come together in one accord to see Revival break forth in unprecedented ways. He would remind the Church that Revival is not a one-time event but a continuous outpouring of the Holy Spirit that transforms lives, communities, and nations.
Furthermore, Babalola would challenge believers to have a radical faith that dares to believe for the impossible, knowing that with God all things are possible. He would encourage the Church to expect and anticipate God to move in supernatural ways, raising the dead, healing the sick, and performing miraculous signs and wonders that defy human understanding.
Yes, of course, if Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola were alive today, his mindset for Revival driving by miraculous signs and wonders would be marked by a relentless pursuit of God’s presence, a commitment to unity and faith, and a boldness to believe for the extraordinary. He would call upon the Church to rise up in faith and fervent prayer, expecting God to move in ways that surpass all human comprehension, ushering in a new era of Revival that echoes the miraculous works of God seen during his time.
Certainly! The theological discourse in support of this discussion can draw on several key principles and beliefs found in Christian theology:
1. The Sovereignty and Power of God: The belief in the sovereignty and power of God is fundamental to Christian theology. God is omnipotent, omniscient, and omnipresent, and He is capable of performing miraculous signs and wonders to demonstrate His glory and reveal His presence to humanity. Throughout the Bible, we see numerous accounts of God performing miracles, from the parting of the Red Sea to the resurrection of Jesus Christ.
2. The Role of Faith: The Bible teaches that faith is essential for experiencing the miraculous. Jesus often performed miracles in response to people’s faith and belief in His power. Apostle Babalola’s emphasis on radical faith aligns with the biblical principle that faith can move mountains and bring about extraordinary manifestations of God’s power.
3. The Purpose of Signs and Wonders: Miraculous signs and wonders serve various purposes in the Bible, including confirming the truth of God’s Word, bringing glory to God, and strengthening the faith of believers. In the context of Revival, miracles can serve as a catalyst for spiritual awakening and transformation, drawing people closer to God and igniting a passion for His kingdom.
4. The Unity of the Body of Christ: The Bible emphasises the importance of unity among believers, as seen in Jesus’ prayer for unity in John 17:20-23. When believers come together in one accord, the presence of God is manifested powerfully, and Revival can break forth in unprecedented ways. Apostle Babalola’s call for unity aligns with the biblical mandate for the Church to be unified in purpose and mission.
By inference, the theological discourse in support of the discussion on Apostle Babalola’s mindset for Revival driven by miraculous signs and wonders can be grounded in the foundational beliefs of the Christian faith, including the sovereignty and power of God, the role of faith, the purpose of signs and wonders, and the unity of the body of Christ. Through a theological lens, we can affirm the significance of miraculous manifestations as a testament to God’s glory and a catalyst for spiritual awakening and Revival in the Church and beyond.
As the church approaches its centenary in 2030, isn’t it time for the clarion call for revival and unity to echo loudly within CAC Nigeria and Overseas? Absolutely, the call for Revival and Unity is crucial as the church approaches its 100-year milestone in 2030. This significant anniversary presents an opportune moment for reflection, renewal, and rededication to the core values and mission of the CAC. Here are some key points to consider as the church prepares for this milestone:
1. Refocusing on Revival: Revival is essential for revitalizing the spiritual life of the church and igniting a passion for God and His kingdom. As the CAC approaches its centenary, there is a need for a renewed emphasis on seeking the presence and power of God through prayer, fasting, repentance, and a fervent pursuit of holiness. Revival can spark a transformational movement within the church, leading to spiritual growth, increased zeal for evangelism, and a deeper commitment to discipleship.
2. Embracing Unity: Unity among believers is a core biblical principle that is essential for the health and effectiveness of the church. As the CAC commemorates its 100 years of existence, there is a call for greater unity among its members, leaders, and ministries. Unity fosters a sense of community, strengthens relationships, enhances collaboration, and amplifies the impact of the church’s mission and outreach efforts. By embracing unity, the CAC can demonstrate the love of Christ to the world and fulfill its mandate to make disciples of all nations.
3. Pursuing Vision and Mission: As the church nears its centenary, it is vital to reaffirm and recommit to its vision and mission. The CAC’s founding principles, values, and doctrinal beliefs provide a solid foundation for advancing the kingdom of God and fulfilling the Great Commission. By aligning with the vision and mission of the church, members can work together towards common goals, prioritize kingdom priorities, and make a lasting impact in their communities and beyond.
Boldly proclaiming, as the imminent centennial anniversary of CAC Nigeria and Overseas in 2030 draws near, the urgent call for Revival and Unity must resound powerfully within its membership. By prioritising Revival, fostering unity, and remaining steadfast in vision and mission, the CAC stands poised to carve out a new era of spiritual expansion, influence, and contemporary significance over the coming decade and beyond. Utilizing the centenary festivities as a catalyst for spiritual revitalisation, coherence, and metamorphosis within the congregation, this pivotal occasion should mark the beginning of a period of heightened effectiveness in spreading the gospel and cultivating disciples to magnify God’s glory.
In conclusion, the momentous centenary milestone of the Christ Apostolic Church (CAC) Nigeria and Overseas in 2030 provides a profound juncture for introspection, jubilation, and renewed commitment to the foundational principles exemplified by Apostle Joseph Ayo Babalola. His life and ministry serve as a potent reminder of the revolutionary potential of Revival and Unity in propelling forward the kingdom of God and profoundly affecting lives for eternity. As we meditate on Apostle Babalola’s enduring legacy and the imperative for Revival and Unity within the CAC, may we be emboldened to seek the divine presence and authority, rally around unity and partnership, and fervently pursue the church’s vision and mandate. Let us advance with unwavering faith, eager expectation, and a rekindled passion for God’s dominion, believing that extraordinary signs and wonders await as we align ourselves with His intentions and heed His directives. In the lead-up to the centenary celebration, may the essence of Apostle Babalola and the fervour of Revival blaze vibrantly within us, guiding us into a season of unparalleled expansion, influence, and spiritual breakthroughs for the honour of God.
Ojo Emmanuel Ademola, a Pastor and the General Evangelist of CAC Nigeria and Overseas, is writing to you from London with warm greetings!