1. Jeremiah 17:5-8, Psalms 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6, Luke 6:17, 20-26, 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20 NOG
PN 1). As we delve into the profound teachings and lessons of faith, hope, and perseverance, from Jeremiah 17:5-8, Psalms 1:1-2, 3, 4, 6, Luke 6:17, 20-26, 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16-20, we are reminded of the enduring wisdom found in the Scriptures and the transformative power of spiritual engagement. From the foundations of belief in a higher power to the practical application of these principles in our daily lives, there is much to explore and reflect upon. Drawing inspiration from the Gospel narratives, the apostles’ epistles, and the Christian faith’s enduring traditions, we embark on a journey of discovery and growth in our understanding of God’s plan for us.
Exploring the Scriptures:
In Jeremiah 17:5-8, it is made clear that those who trust in the LORD will be blessed and have their roots deep in Him, bearing fruit in all seasons. They will not fear when the heat comes, as they are always provided for, and their leaves will always be green. The LORD watches over them and never fails to deliver them in times of trouble.
As seen in Psalms 1:1-2,3,4,6, the person who delights in the Law of the LORD and meditates on it day and night will be like a tree planted by streams of water, yielding fruit in its season. They are blessed, and everything they do prospers. On the other hand, the ungodly will wither away, but the righteous will endure.
Reflecting on Luke 6:17,20-26, Jesus taught that those who are poor, hungry, weeping, and hated because of Him are blessed. They will receive their reward in Heaven. Conversely, those who are rich, full, laughing, and well-regarded have already received their comfort, but their future may not be as bright.
Moreover, 1 Corinthians 15:12, 16, and 20 clearly state that without Christ’s resurrection, our faith would be in vain. But Christ rose from the dead, giving us hope for our resurrection and victory over death.
As Pentecostal Christians, we must diligently study the Scriptures to understand God’s promises of breakthroughs and glorious manifestations. We are called to trust in the LORD wholeheartedly, delight in His Word, and remain steadfast in faith despite any challenges we may face. By following His teachings and living according to His will, we can experience exceptional, exceeding, and shining glory in our lives.
We must interpret the Scriptures with a discerning spirit, seeking God’s guidance through the Holy Spirit. Through prayer, we can receive practical applications for daily living, allowing us to walk in the light of His truth and be a beacon of His love to the world.
Lessons for discussion:
1. Trusting in THE LORD and having deep roots in Him will result in blessings and provision in all seasons.
2. Delighting in the Law of THE LORD and meditating on it day and night leads to prosperity and endurance.
3. Those who suffer for the sake of CHRIST are blessed and will receive their reward in Heaven.
4. The resurrection of CHRIST is the cornerstone of our faith, giving us hope for victory over death.
5. Diligent study of the Scriptures is essential for understanding GOD’S promises and experiencing His glory in our lives.
6. Living according to God’s will and seeking His guidance through prayer allows us to walk in the light of His truth and be a witness to His love.
7. The teachings of JESUS CHRIST in the Beatitudes reveal the upside-down Kingdom of GOD, where the humble are exalted and the hungry are satisfied.
8. Believers are called to rejoice in their sufferings, knowing that they are sharing in the sufferings of CHRIST and will be rewarded with eternal blessings.
9. The Holy Spirit empowers us to understand the deeper meanings of Scripture and apply them practically in our daily lives, leading to spiritual growth and maturity.
10. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to live with expectancy for breakthroughs, exceptional glory, and exceeding shining glory through faith in God’s promises and the indwelling presence of the Holy Spirit.
In conclusion, the lessons we have explored today serve as a guiding light in our quest for spiritual enlightenment and personal growth. Through faith, humility, and a deep connection to the teachings of Jesus Christ, we find strength in times of trial, hope in moments of despair, and joy amid sorrow. As we continue to engage with these timeless truths, may we be inspired to live lives of purpose, love, and compassion, reflecting the light of Christ in all that we do. Let us carry these lessons with us as we walk in faith, knowing that we are never alone on this journey of faith and that our ultimate destination is our Heavenly Father’s loving embrace.
As we are closing, Brethren, let us pray for ourselves:
1. Heavenly Father, grant me the strength and courage to face each day’s challenges with faith and determination.
2. Lord, help me to walk in Your ways and follow Your guidance as I seek to grow spiritually and deepen my relationship with You.
3. May Your wisdom and patience guide me as I navigate the ups and downs of life, always leaning on Your everlasting love for support.
4. Lord, fill me with Your peace that surpasses all understanding, calming my heart and mind in times of uncertainty.
5. I surrender my fears and worries to You, trusting that Your plan for me is perfect and that You will never leave or forsake me.
6. Grant me the strength to forgive those who wronged me and the humility to seek forgiveness from those I have wronged.
7. Help me to be a beacon of Your light and love in this dark world, shining brightly for all to see Your glory and grace.
8. Lord, grant me the courage to step out in faith and boldly proclaim Your truth, knowing that You will equip me with everything I need.
9. May Your Word be a lamp unto my feet and a light unto my path, guiding me towards righteousness and away from temptation.
10. I declare victory in Your name, knowing nothing can stand against me when I have You by my side. Amen.
2. Genesis 4:1-15, 25, Psalms 50:1, 8, 16-17, 20-21, Mark 8:11-13
PN 2). In Genesis 4:1-15, 25, we see the unfolding of a story filled with Lessons about the Glory of GOD’s Promises and the Consequences of Disobedience and Sin. This passage showcases the consequences of turning away from GOD’s Will and the Redemption HE offers despite humanity’s failings.
Psalms 50:1, 8, 16-17, 20-21 emphasises GOD’s Authority as the Righteous Judge who calls HIS people to Account for their actions. As Pentecostal Christians, it is crucial to understand GOD’s Promises of Exceeding Glory and to align our lives with HIS Truth to experience HIS Shinning Glory in all aspects of our daily living.
Mark 8:11-13 showcases the Pharisees’ lack of Faith and their desire for Sign, highlighting the importance of TRUE Faith in GOD’s Promises. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to have a deeper Understanding of GOD’s Word and to seek HIS Guidance in our daily lives, trusting in HIS Promises of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Blessings.
By studying these Scriptures and meditating on GOD’s Promises, Pentecostal Christians can gain Insight into the Meaning of GOD’s Exceptional Glory, Exceeding Promises, and Shinning Blessings in their daily lives. Through Interpretation and Practical application of these Truths, we can experience the Fullness of GOD’s Glory and walk in HIS Light every day.
Let’s pray:
1. In the Mighty Name of GOD, we declare HIS Promise of Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory in the lives of Believers.
2. Through the Power of JESUS CHRIST, may we experience the Fullness of this Promise and walk in Victory.
3. By the Guidance of the Holy SPIRIT, let us live a life that reflects GOD’s Exceptional Glory in all we do.
4. May every aspect of our lives be filled with the Bright Light of HIS Presence and May HIS Glory be visible to all. Amen.
3. Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10, Psalms 29:1-2, 3-4, 8, 9-10, Mark 8:14-21
PN 3). In Genesis 6:5-8; 7:1-5, 10, we see how GOD chose Noah to fulfil His Promises of Exceptional Glory by saving him and his family from the flood. This serves as a reminder to believers that GOD’s Promises are sure, and He will always choose to glorify Himself in exceeding ways.
In Psalms 29:1-2, 3-4, 8, 9-10, the Psalmist praises GOD for His Shinning Glory displayed through the power of His Voice. As Pentecostal Christians, we should seek to experience this glory by listening to the voice of the HOLY SPIRIT and following His Guidance.
Lastly, in Mark 8:14-21, JESUS warns His Disciples about the leaven of the Pharisees, emphasising the importance of interpreting spiritual truths correctly. As believers, we should pray for wisdom and discernment to understand the deeper meanings behind GOD’s Promises and apply them in our daily lives to reflect His exceeding Glory.
Let’s pray:
1. Heavenly FATHER, may Your Promises of Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory manifest in my life.
2. Sweet JESUS, grant me the grace to reflect Your exceeding Glory in all I do.
3. HOLY SPIRIT, illuminate Your Presence in me, shining brightly for all to see.
4. Almighty GOD, let Your exceptional Glory shine through me daily.
5. Lord JESUS, help me to walk in Your exceeding Glory and share it with others.
6. Precious HOLY SPIRIT, fill me with Your Shinning Glory that others may be drawn to You.
7. Heavenly FATHER, may Your Promises of Exceptional, Exceeding, and Shinning Glory be evident in my life forevermore. Amen.
4. Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22, Psalms 116:12-13, 14-15, 18-19, Mark 8:22-26
PN 4). In Genesis 8:6-13, 20-22, we see God’s Promises of a Shinning future for humanity as He made a covenant with Noah and his descendants never to destroy the Earth with a flood again. The rainbow in the sky serves as a reminder of God’s faithfulness to His word.
Psalms 116:12-13, 14-15, 18-19 portrays God’s Exceptional Glory through His Deliverance and Salvation of His People. When faced with trouble, the psalmist calls on God for help, and God rescues him from death. It is through God’s miraculous Intervention that His Glory is made known to all.
Mark 8:22-26 depicts a blind man who Jesus healed in two stages, revealing how God works in mysterious ways to bring about His Plan for our lives. This demonstrates God’s Exceeding Glory in performing miracles beyond human comprehension, showcasing His Power and Authority.
For Pentecostal Christians, the interpretation of these passages leads to practical applications in daily living. Trusting in God’s Promises means having faith in His Plan for our lives and believing in His Faithfulness to fulfil His Word. Reflecting on God’s Exceptional Glory should lead to praise and thanksgiving for His Mighty Works in our lives, acknowledging His Sovereignty and Power. Guarding against Exceeding Glory entails staying humble and recognising God’s Supremacy in all things, avoiding pride and self-centeredness.
By incorporating these principles into their daily lives, Pentecostal believers can experience the fullness of God’s Shinning, Exceptional Glory, and Exceeding Glory in their walk with Him, seeking His will and guidance in every aspect of life.
Let’s pray:
1. In Your Almighty Name, I claim Your Promises of provision and protection over my life and my loved ones, Amen.
2. Heavenly Father, I praise Your Exceptional Glory displayed in all creation, may Your Glory shine in and through me, Amen.
3. Lord Jesus Christ, help me guard my heart against all evil desires and distractions that try to Exceed Your Glory in my life, Amen.
4. Holy Spirit, guide me daily according to Your will and lead me in paths of righteousness, Amen.
5. Sovereign God, grant me strength to trust Your Promises, marvel at Your Exceptional Glory, and walk in purity before You each day, Amen.
6. Gracious Lord, fill me with Your presence and wisdom as I seek to live a life that glorifies Your Holy Name, Amen.
7. Precious Savior, may my prayers be aligned with Your Word and Your perfect will for my life, Amen.
8. Divine Creator, help me surrender my heart completely to You in prayer and obedience, Amen.
9. Mighty God, thank You for the privilege of coming before Your throne in prayer and experiencing Your power and love, Amen.
10. Triune God, guide me in fervent prayer, seeking Your Promises, Your Glory, and Your perfect will each day, Amen.
5. Genesis 9: 1-13, Psalms 102: 16-29, Mark 8: 27-33, John 6: 63, 68
PN 5). Genesis 9:1-13 portrays God’s Covenant with humanity symbolised by the rainbow, signifying His Faithfulness and Promise of protection and provision. In Psalms 102:16-29, it emphasizes God’s Eternal Nature and His Role as the Creator of all things, showcasing His limitless Power and Glory. Mark 8:27-33 reveals Jesus as the Christ, the promised Saviour who brings Salvation and Glory, but also challenges us to take up our cross daily and follow Him.
John 6:63, 68 emphasizes that the words of Jesus are Spirit and life, guiding us in Truth and leading to Eternal Life. As Pentecostal believers, we are called to walk in the light of God’s Glory, acknowledging His Supremacy and seeking His Will. By trusting in God’s Promises and living out our faith in obedience, we can experience His Exceeding Glory in our lives.
Practical applications for daily living include cultivating a deep prayer life, studying God’s Word faithfully, worshipping with reverence, and serving others in love. By remaining sensitive to the leading of the Holy Spirit, we can walk in the shining light of God’s Presence, reflecting His Glory to those around us and bringing honour to His Name.
Let’s pray:
1. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Covenant of protection and provision as symbolised by the rainbow in Genesis 9:1-13.
2. Almighty God, may Your Eternal Nature and limitless Power be evident in my life as portrayed in Psalms 102:16-29.
3. Lord Jesus Christ, help me to acknowledge You as the Saviour and follow You daily, taking up my cross, as revealed in Mark 8:27-33.
4. Holy Spirit, guide me in walking in Your Truth and Life, as highlighted in John 6:63, 68.
5. Sovereign God, may Your Exceeding Glory shine through me as I seek Your Will and obey Your Commands in all things.
6. Grant me the grace to reflect Your Shining Light to those around me, bringing honour to Your Holy Name.
7. Fill me with wisdom and discernment to understand Your Word and live out my faith boldly in accordance with Your Promises.
8. Help me to cultivate a fervent prayer life, seeking Your Presence and Power in all circumstances.
9. Equip me to worship You with reverence and humility, offering You the praise and adoration You deserve.
10. Empower me to serve others in love, demonstrating Your Compassion and Grace to a hurting world. Amen.
6. Genesis 11:1-9, Psalms 33:10-11, 12-13, 14-15, Mark 8:34-9:1
PN 6). In Genesis 11:1-9, the account of the Tower of Babel shows the consequences of human pride and rebellion against God, leading to confusion and scattering. However, God’s Sovereignty is evident in this story, and His Plans cannot be thwarted.
Reflecting on Psalms 33:10-15, we see that the Lord’s Plans stand firm forever, His Purposes are unshakable, and His Understanding is beyond measure. Therefore, we can trust in His unfailing Love and Provision.
Mark 8:34-9:1 highlights the cost of discipleship and the promise of the coming Kingdom of God. Jesus calls His followers to deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him. In doing so, they will experience the transformative power of His Glory.
In exploring these Scriptures, we realise that God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory, Exceeding, and Shinning Glory are available to believers who are willing to surrender to His Will, trust in His Sovereignty, and follow Jesus wholeheartedly. The interpretation of these promises calls us to humility, obedience, and a deepening relationship with the Holy Spirit.
Practically, Pentecostal Christians can apply these truths by seeking to align their lives with God’s Purposes, trusting in His Faithfulness, and sharing the Gospel with boldness and love. By living out these principles daily, believers can experience the fullness of God’s Promises and be a shining light of His Glory in the world.
Let’s pray:
1. Almighty God, in Your Sovereignty and Mercy, I pray for Your Exceeding Glory to manifest in my life and overflow to all I encounter.
2. Heavenly Father, unleash Your Exceptional Power and Grace upon me, that I may walk in Your Perfect Will and reflect Your Glory to the world.
3. Lord Jesus Christ, I surrender my all to You, asking for Your Shinning Light to illuminate my path and lead me closer to You.
4. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Divine Presence and Guide me in every step I take, that Your Glory may be magnified in and through me.
5. Triune God, I declare Your Promises of Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory over my life, believing that Your Word will not return void. Amen.
7. Psalms 23:1-3, 3-4, 5, 6, Matthew 16:13-19, 1 Peter 5:1-4
PN 7). In the exploration of Bible Study through Psalms 23 and the New Testament passages Matthew 16 and 1 Peter 5, the Promises of Exceptional Glory, Exceeding and Shining Glory, and Practical applications for daily living in the Pentecostal Christian faith are vividly portrayed.
The Shepherd Care of the Lord mentioned in Psalms 23 emphasises His guidance and unending Provision, leading believers to Exceptional Glory. The image of walking through valleys symbolises challenges, but with the comfort and strength of the Lord, triumph is ensured, bringing about Exceeding and Shining Glory in one’s life.
The overflowing blessings in Psalms 23 provide a glimpse of God’s Generosity and Grace, resulting in Glorious manifestations beyond one’s imagination. Through dwelling in God’s presence and following His ways, Interpretations for living a prosperous life are made clear.
In Matthew 16, the Confession of Peter regarding Jesus Christ as the Son of the living God signifies the foundational Truth of the Christian faith. Jesus’ declaration of building His Church on this confession showcases the importance of faith in experiencing and reflecting God’s Glory in one’s life.
Lastly, 1 Peter 5 offers Practical guidance to Christian leaders on shepherding God’s flock. The emphasis on humility, service, and faithful stewardship reflects the Pentecostal Christian faith in actions. By willingly and eagerly serving God’s people and leading them with integrity, Christians can embody and share God’s Glory to the world around them.
Through deep study and meditation on these scripture passages, believers can grasp the fullness of God’s Promises, leading to a life filled with Exceptional Glory, Exceeding and Shining Glory, and the practical applications of living out the Pentecostal Christian faith in their daily lives.
Let’s pray:
1. Precious God, let Your Exceeding Glory shine forth in my life, showcasing Your Greatness and Majesty.
2. Mighty Jesus, manifest Your Exceptional Glory in every aspect of my being, revealing Your Power and Grace to all.
3. Holy Spirit, illuminate Your Shining Glory within me, guiding me in Your Truth and Righteousness.
4. Sovereign God, may Your Exceeding Glory be a beacon of hope and inspiration to those around me, drawing them closer to You.
5. Glorious Jesus, let Your Exceptional Glory transform me into a reflection of Your Love and Mercy.
6. Divine Lord, may Your Shining Glory radiate through me, bringing light into the darkness and dispelling all fear.
7. Eternal Father, I pray for Your Exceeding Glory to overflow in my life, leading me into paths of righteousness for Your Name’s sake.
8. Redeemer Jesus, reveal Your Exceptional Glory through the miracles and wonders You perform in my life, demonstrating Your Power and Authority.
9. Comforter Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Shining Glory, equipping me to be a vessel of Your Peace and Joy to the world.
10. Almighty God, thank You for Your Promises of Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shining Glory in my life; may I always walk in Your Light and Truth.
Amen in Jesus’ Name. Amen Hallelujah!!!