Just as a mosaic is crafted from various colourful tiles that come together to form a breathtaking masterpiece, believers are also called to recognise and embrace the diversity of gifts among them. Apostle Paul’s teachings illuminate the powerful truth that our collective responsibility lies in utilising these unique gifts for the mutual edification of the Church and the GLORIFICATION of God.
Each gift is vital in the larger picture of God’s Redemptive Plan, no matter how small or seemingly insignificant. As we come together in unity, each offering our individual strengths and talents, we contribute to the beauty and complexity of the mosaic of Grace that God is weaving within and through us.
Let us, therefore, approach our shared responsibility with a spirit of joy and collaboration, knowing that when we work together in harmony, we create a tapestry of God’s Love and Mercy that is truly awe-inspiring. May we celebrate the diversity of gifts among us, recognising that it is through our collective efforts in service to God that we bring about transformation, healing, and hope in a world that longs for the light of His Grace.