1. Isaiah 40:1-11, Isaiah 42:1-7, Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalms 29:1-10, and Luke 3.15–22 NOG


PN 1). In today’s world filled with challenges, uncertainties, and pain, the promises of God bring hope and healing to believers. Through the passages of Isaiah 40:1-11, Isaiah 42:1-7, Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalms 29:1-10, and Luke 3:15-22, we are reminded of God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory in the lives of His people. These verses speak of comfort, redemption, protection, and the manifestation of God’s power and glory through His Son, Jesus Christ. As Pentecostal Christians, we have the privilege of experiencing the healing and transformation that come from walking in God’s promises and living in His Glory.

Exploring the Scriptures:

1. In Isaiah 40:1-11, the Lord, the Mighty One, speaks words of comfort and promise to His people, declaring His Promise of Exceptional Glory. He reassures them that their sins have been paid for and that they can look forward to experiencing the Glory of the Lord. The Lord promises to gently lead and protect His flock, demonstrating His love and care for His chosen ones.

2. In Isaiah 42:1-7, the Lord God describes His Servant who will bring Justice to the nations. This Servant, identified as Jesus Christ, will be filled with the Spirit of the Lord, bringing forth Justice and righteousness. The Lord promises to uphold and support His Servant, displaying His Exceeding Glory through Him.

3. In Isaiah 43:1-7, the Almighty assures His people of His unwavering presence and protection. Despite their trials and challenges, the Lord promises to be with them, leading them through the waters and fires of life. His Promise of Exceptional Glory shines through His commitment to His beloved children.

4. As we turn to Psalms 29:1-10, the psalmist extols the Lord, the Most High, for His Exceeding Glory and majestic power. The psalmist calls upon all creation to praise the Lord for His strength and majesty, as His voice thunders over the waters and shakes the wilderness. This psalm serves as a reminder of God’s unmatched greatness and sovereignty.

5. In Luke 3:15-22, we witness the Triune God at work during the baptism of Jesus Christ. As Jesus, the Son of God, is baptized, the Holy Spirit descends like a dove, and God, the Father, declares His approval of His Beloved Son. This divine moment reveals the interconnected roles of God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in the redemptive plan for humanity.

For Pentecostal Christians, these Scriptures emphasize God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory, inviting us to trust His faithfulness and Power in every aspect of our lives. We are called to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, filled with the Holy Spirit, and proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom. Our daily living should reflect the Triune God’s divine nature, as we strive to bring Glory and Honour to God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit in all that we do.

Lessons for discussion:

Lesson 1: The Promise of Comfort and Healing in Isaiah 40:1-11

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 40:1-11

• Begin by discussing the context of Isaiah 40 and how it speaks of God’s comfort and healing for His people. Emphasise that God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory are often tied to His desire to bring restoration and wholeness to believers.

• Explore Isaiah 40:1-2, focusing on the proclaimed message of comfort and forgiveness. Discuss how God’s Exceeding Glory is displayed through His grace and compassion towards His people.

• Reflect on Isaiah 40:10-11, highlighting the imagery of God as a shepherd who cares for His flock. Discuss how believers can find healing and refuge in God’s loving care and guidance.

Lesson 2: The Servant of the Lord Bringing Hope and Healing in Isaiah 42:1-7

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 42:1-7

• Teach the identity of the Servant of the Lord mentioned in Isaiah 42:1-7 and how it foreshadows Jesus Christ. Emphasise that Jesus embodies God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory and brings healing and restoration to all who believe in Him.

• Explore Isaiah 42:1-4, focusing on the Servant’s mission to bring justice and hope to the nations. Discuss how Jesus’ ministry of healing and deliverance reveals God’s Exceeding Glory.

• Reflect on Isaiah 42:6-7, highlighting the Servant’s role in bringing light to the nations and opening the eyes of the blind. Encourage believers to seek Jesus as their source of healing and light in times of darkness.

Lesson 3: God’s Promise of Redemption and Protection in Isaiah 43:1-7

Scripture Focus: Isaiah 43:1-7

• Discuss the theme of redemption and protection in Isaiah 43:1-7 and how God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory are seen in His commitment to His people. Emphasise that God’s Exceeding Glory is displayed through His faithfulness and love towards His children.

• Explore Isaiah 43:1-3, focusing on God’s assurance of His presence and protection in times of trouble. Discuss how believers can find healing and security in God’s steadfast love and faithfulness.

• Reflect on Isaiah 43:4-7, highlighting God’s promise to gather His scattered people and bring them back into relationship with Him. Encourage believers to trust in God’s plan of redemption and restoration for their lives.

Lesson 4: The Majesty and Power of God in Psalms 29:1-10

Scripture Focus: Psalms 29:1-10

• Examine Psalms 29:1-10, which portrays the majesty and power of God amid a storm. Discuss how God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory are seen in His control over the forces of nature and His ability to bring healing and deliverance.

• Reflect on the imagery of the storm in Psalms 29, emphasising God’s sovereignty and authority over all creation. Discuss how believers can find peace and security amid life’s storms by trusting God’s power and protection.

• Encourage believers to meditate on the greatness of God as portrayed in Psalms 29 and to draw strength and healing from His presence in their lives.

Lesson 5: The Baptism of Jesus and the Manifestation of God’s Glory in Luke 3:15-22

Scripture Focus: Luke 3:15-22

• Explore the account of Jesus’ baptism in Luke 3:15-22 and the manifestation of God’s Glory through the Holy Spirit descending like a dove. Emphasise that Jesus’ anointing for ministry and healing revealed God’s Exceeding Glory.

• Reflect on the voice from heaven declaring Jesus as God’s beloved Son in Luke 3:22, highlighting the special relationship between the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. Discuss how this event foreshadowed Jesus’ role as the ultimate source of healing and salvation.

• Encourage believers to follow Jesus’ example of surrender and obedience to God’s will, allowing the Holy Spirit to work in and through them to manifest God’s Glory in their lives.

Through these robustly crafted lessons on healing for glorious manifestation, Exceeding and Exceptional Glory of God in believers’ lives, Pentecostal Christians can deepen their understanding of God’s promises, find comfort and hope in His Word, and experience the power of healing and restoration through faith in Jesus Christ. May these lessons inspire and empower believers to walk in the fullness of God’s Glory, trusting in His provision and presence for their physical, emotional, and spiritual well-being.

As we reflect on the lessons from Isaiah 40:1-11, Isaiah 42:1-7, Isaiah 43:1-7, Psalms 29:1-10, and Luke 3:15-22 regarding healing for glorious manifestation and the Exceeding and Exceptional Glory of God in believers’ lives, may we be encouraged to deepen our faith and trust in the Lord. Let us hold on to God’s promises of comfort, redemption, and protection, knowing that His Glory shines brightest in our times of need. May we continually seek healing and restoration in Jesus Christ, the ultimate source of healing and salvation, and allow the Holy Spirit to work in and through us to manifest God’s Glory. May the goodness and faithfulness of God lead us to a place of abundant life and victorious living as we walk in His promises and experience His Glory in our everyday lives. Amen.

Prayer Bullets:

• Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Promise of comfort and healing found in Isaiah 40:1-11. We declare that Your Comforting Presence will bring Healing and Restoration to our lives, manifesting Your glory in us.

• Lord Jesus Christ, as we meditate on Isaiah 42:1-7, we claim the promise that You have chosen and anointed us for a specific purpose. May Your Anointing flow through us, bringing Healing and Manifestation of Your Exceeding and Exceptional Glory into our lives.

• In Isaiah 43:1-7, You declare that we are precious and honoured in Your Sight. We receive Your Promise of Protection and Redemption, knowing that Your Presence will bring Healing and Glory into our lives.

• Just as the Psalmist proclaims in Psalms 29:1-10, we give You the Glory and Honour due to Your Name. May our Worship and Praise bring Healing and Manifestation of Your glory into our lives.

• In Luke 3:15-22, we see the manifestation of Your Glory through the Baptism of Jesus. As we follow Jesus’ Example, may we also be filled with Your Holy Spirit, bringing Healing and Manifestation of Your Exceeding and Exceptional Glory into our lives!

• We thank You, Lord, for Your Promises of Healing and Manifestation. We receive them in faith, knowing that Your Glory will be revealed in us as we walk in obedience to Your Word. Amen.

2. Isaiah 58:6, 61:1–2, 1 Kings 17:8–24, 2 Kings 5:1–14, and Luke 4:18


PN 2):

In Isaiah 58:6, God promises that when we break the chains of injustice and set the oppressed free, then our light will break forth like the dawn, and our healing will quickly appear. This verse speaks to the transformative power of God’s Glory in our lives when we align ourselves with His Will and show His Love to others.

Isaiah 61:1–2 proclaims that the Spirit of the Sovereign LORD is on Jesus Christ, anointing Him to preach Good News to the poor, bind up the broken-hearted, proclaim freedom for the captives, release prisoners from darkness, and proclaim the year of the LORD’s Favour. As followers of Jesus, we are called to continue this ministry of Restoration and Deliverance, walking in the Exceeding Glory that comes from fulfilling His Mission on earth.

In 1 Kings 17:8–24, we witness the Exceptional Glory of God as He provides for Elijah and the widow in miraculous ways during a time of famine. This story serves as a reminder that when we trust in God, He will exceed our expectations and supply all our needs according to His Riches in Glory.

The account of Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1–14 demonstrates the power of God to heal and transform lives. Through the Prophet Elisha, Naaman is cleansed of his leprosy by obeying God’s Instructions. This story challenges us to have faith in God’s Exceeding Glory to bring healing and restoration to our physical, emotional, and spiritual wounds.

Finally, Luke 4:18 records Jesus’ Proclamation of His Mission to bring Good News to the poor, freedom to the prisoners, sight to the blind, and release to the oppressed. As Pentecostal believers, we are called to walk in the power of the Holy Spirit, continuing the work of Jesus in our daily lives by sharing the Gospel, bringing healing, and setting captives free through the Exceeding Glory of God.

In conclusion, as Pentecostal Christians, we are invited to walk in God’s Promises of Exceptional and Exceeding Glory by living out the principles of Justice, Mercy, Provision, Healing, and Deliverance found in these Scriptures. By aligning ourselves with God’s Will, faithfully following Jesus’ Example, and relying on the Power of the Holy Spirit, we can experience the fullness of God’s Glory in our daily lives and impact the world around us for His Kingdom.

Prayer Bullets:

1. Heavenly Father, help me to remove the chains of injustice and oppression in my life and in the lives of those around me, in alignment with Your Will as spoken in Isaiah 58:6.

2. Lord God, anoint me with Your Spirit to bring Good News to the humble, heal the broken-hearted, proclaim liberty to those in bondage, and open the eyes of the blind, as described in Isaiah 61:1–2.

3. O God of provision, just as You provided for Elijah and the widow in 1 Kings 17:8–24, I trust in Your Exceeding Glory to meet all my needs according to Your Riches in Glory.

4. Heavenly Healer, like Naaman in 2 Kings 5:1–14, let Your Healing Power flow through me and bring Wholeness and Restoration to every area of my life that needs Your Touch.

5. Gracious Saviour, empower me to proclaim Your Good News, bring liberty to the captives, and release the oppressed, in accordance with Your Mission as outlined in Luke 4:18.

3. Hebrews 2:5-12, Psalms 8:2-9, Mark 1:21-28


PN 3). In Hebrews 2:5-12, we are reminded of the surpassing Glory of God and His ultimate plan for humanity. The writer of Hebrews highlights how God has crowned humans with glory and honour, setting them above all creation. This points to the Exceptional Glory that God has bestowed upon humanity and His Desire for us to live in accordance with this divine calling.

Psalms 8:2-9 further illustrates God’s Exceeding Glory and His love for mankind. The Psalmist reflects on the Greatness of God’s Creation and how He has placed all things under humans’ feet. Despite our weaknesses and limitations, God has chosen us to carry His Glory and represent Him on Earth. This serves as a reminder of the tremendous honour and responsibility that comes with being a child of God.

In Mark 1:21-28, we see Jesus Christ demonstrating the Exceptional Glory and Authority of God through His teachings and miracles. When Jesus speaks, demons tremble and obey, showcasing the unmatched Power He possesses as the Son of God. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to walk in this same authority and proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom with Boldness and Confidence.

These passages emphasise the need for believers to embrace and embody the Exceeding Glory of God in their daily lives. It is through our faith and surrender to Jesus Christ that we can walk in the authority and power that God has entrusted to us. As we meditate on these Scriptures and allow the Holy Spirit to work in us, we can experience a transformation that reflects God’s Glory in all areas of our lives. Let us live each day with a deep reverence for the Glory of God that dwells within us, shining brightly for all to see.

Prayer Bullets:

1. Heavenly Father, thank You for crowning me with Glory and honour according to Your Word in Psalms 8:5. Let Your Exceeding Glory be manifested in every aspect of my life.

2. Lord Jesus, just as You demonstrated Your Authority and Power in Mark 1:27, empower me to walk in that same authority over every challenge and obstacle that comes my way.

3. Holy Spirit, ignite a fire within me to proclaim the Good News of the Kingdom with Boldness and Confidence, just as Jesus did in Mark 1:21.

4. Heavenly Father, help me to fully comprehend the Exceptional Glory You have bestowed upon me as Your Child, as outlined in Hebrews 2:7. May this Revelation transform my mindset and perceptions.

5. Lord, grant me the Grace to reflect Your Glory in all that I do, just as You have entrusted humanity with dominion over the works of Your Hands in Psalms 8:6.

6. Jesus, I declare that every opposing force that seeks to diminish or hinder the Exceeding Glory of God in my life is rendered powerless by the Authority of Your Name, as seen in Mark 1:25.

7. Heavenly Father, let Your Glory shine through me brightly, illuminating the path for others to see and be drawn to You, in accordance with the truths revealed in Hebrews 2:9.

8. Lord, I pray for a fresh outpouring of Your Spirit upon my life, enabling me to walk in signs, wonders, and miracles as a testimony to Your Exceptional Glory, as demonstrated in Mark 1:28.

4. Hebrews 2:14-18, Psalms 105:1-9, John 10:27, Mark 1: 29-39


PN 4). Hebrews 2:14-18

14 Since all of these sons and daughters have flesh and blood, Yeshua took on flesh and blood to be like them. He did this so that by dying he would destroy the one who had power over death (that is, the devil). 15 In this way he would free those who were slaves all their lives because they were afraid of dying. 16 So Yeshua helps Abraham’s descendants rather than helping angels. 17 Therefore, he had to become like his brothers and sisters so that he could be merciful. He became like them so that he could serve as a faithful chief priest in God’s presence and make peace with God for their sins. 18 Because Yeshua experienced temptation when he suffered, he is able to help others when they are tempted.

• Interpretation: This passage emphasizes the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, His Humanity, and His Victory over sin and death through His Sacrifice. It shows that Jesus’s Identification with humanity enables Him to be a compassionate and effective High Priest who understands our struggles.

• Practical Application: As Pentecostal Christians, we can find comfort and assurance in the fact that Jesus Christ understands our human experiences and is able to help us in times of temptation. We can approach Him with confidence, knowing that He has overcome the power of sin and death through His sacrifice.

Psalms 105:1-9

1 Give thanks to Yahweh. Call on him. Make known among the nations what he has done. 2 Sing to him. Make music to praise him. Meditate on all the miracles he has performed. 3 Brag about his holy name. Let the hearts of those who seek Yahweh rejoice. 4 Search for Yahweh and his strength. Always seek his presence. 5 Remember the miracles he performed, the amazing things he did, and the judgments he pronounced, 6 you descendants of his servant Abraham, you descendants of Jacob, his chosen ones. 7 He is Yahweh our Elohim. His judgments are pronounced throughout the earth. 8 He always remembers his promise, the word that he commanded for a thousand generations, 9 the promise that he made to Abraham, and his sworn oath to Isaac.,

• Interpretation: This Psalm encourages us to give thanks to God, remember His Faithfulness, and proclaim His Mighty Works to others. It highlights the Covenant God made with Abraham, demonstrating His Faithfulness to His Promises.

• Practical Application: As Pentecostal believers, we are called to praise God, seek His Presence, and remember His Faithfulness throughout generations. We should meditate on His Word, celebrate His Promises, and share His Acts of Deliverance and Provision with others.

John 10:27

My Sheep Respond to My Voice. I Know Them, and They Follow Me.

• Interpretation: In this statement, Jesus affirms that His Followers, represented as His Sheep, will recognize His Voice and follow Him. It speaks of the intimate relationship between Christ and His Disciples, characterized by obedience and submission.

• Practical Application: As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to listen attentively to the voice of Jesus through Prayer, Scripture, and the Guidance of the Holy Spirit. We should obediently follow His Leading and trust in His Direction for our lives.

Mark 1:29-39

After they left the synagogue, they went directly to the house of Simon and Andrew. James and John went with them. 30 Simon’s mother-in-law was in bed with a fever. The first thing they did was to tell Yeshua about her. 31 Yeshua went to her, took her hand, and helped her get up. The fever went away, and she prepared a meal for them. 32 In the evening, when the sun had set, people brought to him everyone who was sick and those possessed by demons. 33 The whole city had gathered at his door. 34 He cured many who were sick with various diseases and forced many demons out of people. However, he would not allow the demons to speak. After all, they knew who he was. 35 In the morning, long before sunrise, Yeshua went to a place where he could be alone to pray. 36 Simon and his friends searched for him. 37 When they found him, they told him, “Everyone is looking for you.” 38 Yeshua said to them, “Let’s go somewhere else, to the small towns that are nearby. I have to spread the Good News in them also. This is why I have come.” 39 So he went to spread the Good News in the synagogues all over Galilee, and he forced demons out of people.

• Interpretation: This passage illustrates Jesus’s Authority and Power over sickness and demonic oppression. It demonstrates His Compassion for the afflicted and His Unwavering Commitment to His Mission of Preaching the Kingdom of God.

• Practical Application: As Pentecostal believers, we can be encouraged by Jesus’s Healing Ministry, His prayer life, and His Dedication to proclaiming the Gospel. We are called to imitate His Example by demonstrating Compassion, engaging in fervent Prayer, and sharing the message of Redemption with those around us.

In conclusion, these Scriptures reveal God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory through the Incarnation of Jesus Christ, His Faithfulness to His Covenant, His Guidance and Provision for His followers, and His Power to heal and deliver. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to trust in God’s Promises, seek His Presence, listen to His Voice, and serve others with love and compassion. May we walk in the light of His Glory and proclaim His Name to the nations. Amen.

Prayer Points:

1. Thank You, Lord, for the Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory You have promised Your Children according to Your Word.

2. Help us, God, to fully understand and embrace the depth of Your Promises of Glory in our lives.

3. May Your Glory shine through us, O Jesus Christ, as we walk in obedience and faithfulness to Your Word.

4. Grant us, Holy Spirit, the Wisdom and Discernment to interpret Your promises correctly and apply them practically in our daily living.

5. Help us hear Your Voice clearly, O Jesus Christ, as Your sheep, and follow Your leading in all things.


• Hebrews 2:14-18 reminds us that Jesus Christ shared in our humanity to defeat the power of death and set us free from fear. We can trust in His Saving Work and find comfort in His Understanding of our struggles.

• Psalms 105:1-9 highlights the importance of remembering God’s Wonderful Deeds and proclaiming His Wonders to all. Let us praise Him and give thanks for His Faithfulness and Love towards us.

• John 10:27 assures us that as Jesus’ sheep, we can hear His Voice and follow Him. Let us cultivate a close relationship with Him through Prayer, Scripture, and Obedience.

• Mark 1: 29-39 shows us Jesus’ Power and Authority in healing the sick and casting out demons. May we trust in His Ability to bring Healing and Deliverance in our lives and the lives of those around us.

May these Reflections and Prayers guide you in experiencing God’s Exceptional and Exceeding Glory in your daily life as a Pentecostal Christian.

5. Hebrews 3: 7-14, Psalms 95: 6-11, Matthew 4: 23, Mark 1: 40-45


PN 5).

Hebrews 3:7-14 (Names of God Bible):

“As the Holy Spirit says,

“If you hear God speak today, don’t be stubborn.

8 Don’t be stubborn like those who rebelled

and tested me in the desert.

9 That is where your ancestors tested me,

10 although they had seen what I had done for 40 years.

That is why I was angry with those people. So I said,

‘Their hearts continue to stray,

and they have not learned my ways.’

11 So I angrily took a solemn oath

that they would never enter my place of rest.”

12 Be careful, brothers and sisters, that none of you ever develop a wicked, unbelieving heart that turns away from the living God. 13 Encourage each other every day while you have the opportunity. If you do this, none of you will be deceived by sin and become stubborn. 14 After all, we will remain Christ’s partners only if we continue to hold on to our original confidence until the end.”

Psalms 95:6-11 (Names of God Bible):

“Come, let’s worship and bow down.

Let’s kneel in front of Yahweh, our maker,

7 because he is our Elohim

and we are the people in his care,

the flock that he leads.

If only you would listen to him today!

8 “Do not be stubborn like my people were at Meribah,

like the time at Massah in the desert.

9 Your ancestors challenged me and tested me there,

although they had seen what I had done.

10 For 40 years I was disgusted with those people.

So I said, ‘They are a people whose hearts continue to stray.

They have not learned my ways.’

11 That is why I angrily took this solemn oath:

‘They will never enter my place of rest!’”

Matthew 4:23 (Names of God Bible):

23 Yeshua went all over Galilee. He taught in the synagogues and spread the Good News of the kingdom. He also cured every disease and sickness among the people.”

Mark 1:40-45 (Names of God Bible):

“40 Then a man with a serious skin disease came to him. The man fell to his knees and begged Yeshua, “If you’re willing, you can make me clean.”[a]

41 Yeshua felt sorry for him, reached out, touched him, and said, “I’m willing. So be clean!”

42 Immediately, his skin disease went away, and he was clean.

43 Yeshua sent him away at once and warned him, 44 “Don’t tell anyone about this! Instead, show yourself to the priest. Then offer the sacrifices which Moses commanded as proof to people that you are clean.”

45 When the man left, he began to talk freely. He spread his story so widely that Yeshua could no longer enter any city openly. Instead, he stayed in places where he could be alone. But people still kept coming to him from everywhere.”

These passages emphasize the importance of listening to God’s Voice, avoiding stubbornness and unbelief, and worshiping GOD with Reverence. They also highlight GOD’s Healing Power through JESUS CHRIST and the need for obedience in following His Instructions. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to trust in GOD’s Promises of rest, display faithfulness in our daily lives, and spread the Good News of CHRIST’s Salvation with humility and obedience.

Prayer Points:

1. Heavenly Father, help me to Hear Your Voice and not harden my heart like the Israelites in the wilderness, so that I may enter into Your Rest and Experience Your Exceeding Glory in my life (Hebrews 3:7-14).

2. Lord Jesus Christ, I bow down before You, my Maker, acknowledging that You are my GOD and I am under Your Care. Teach me to listen to Your Voice today and not rebel against Your Ways, that I may dwell in Your Exceptional Glory (Psalm 95:6-11).

3. Holy Spirit, empower me to spread the Good News of the Kingdom and to walk in divine health and healing, just like Jesus did in Galilee. Let Your Exceeding Glory be manifest in my life as I share Your love with others (Matthew 4:23).

4. Lord Jesus, as You showed compassion to the man with a skin disease, touch every aspect of my life that needs Your Healing. May Your Exceeding Glory cleanse me and make me whole, that I may testify of Your Miraculous Works and bring Glory to Your Name (Mark 1:40-45).

6. Hebrews 4:1-5, 11, Psalm 78:3, 4, 6-8, Mark 2:1-12


PN 6). In Hebrews 4:1-5, 11, we are reminded of the Promise of Exceptional Glory in God’s Rest. God offers us rest through our faith in Him, where we can find peace and refreshment for our souls. By entering into God’s Rest, we can experience His Exceeding Glory in our lives.

Psalm 78:3, 4, 6-8 highlights the importance of passing down God’s Truths and Promises to the next generation. As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to share the stories of God’s Wonders and Miracles with our children and those around us. Through teaching and sharing God’s Word, we can witness His Exceptional Glory at work in the lives of others.

Mark 2:1-12 shows us the account of Jesus healing a paralyzed man. This story demonstrates Jesus Christ’s Power and Authority to forgive sins and perform miracles. As Pentecostal believers, we can trust in Jesus’ Exceeding Glory to bring Healing and Restoration to our lives and the lives of those around us.

In our daily living, we can apply these truths by seeking God’s Rest, sharing His Promises with others, and relying on Jesus for Healing and Restoration. By trusting in God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, we can experience their Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory in our lives as Pentecostal Christians.

Prayer Points:

1. Almighty God, grant us the Grace to enter into Your Rest and experience Your Exceeding Glory in our daily walk with You.

2. Lord Jesus Christ, help us to faithfully pass down Your Truths and Promises to the next generation, that they may witness Your Exceptional Glory in their lives.

3. Holy Spirit, empower us to share the stories of Your Wonders and Miracles, so others may come to know Your Exceeding Glory.

4. Sovereign God, we pray for Healing and Restoration in our lives, trusting in Your Exceeding Glory to work miracles just as You did in the account in Mark 2.

5. Heavenly Father, guide us in our journey of faith, that we may continually seek Your Rest and experience Your Exceptional Glory in all that we do.

7. Hebrews 4:12-16, Psalms 19:8, 9, 10, 15, Mark 2:13-17


PN 7). In Hebrews 4:12-16, we see the Power and Glory of God’s Word, which is living and active. The Word of God is sharper than any double-edged sword, piercing to the division of soul and spirit, joints and marrow, discerning the thoughts and intentions of the heart. Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s Sight; everything is uncovered and exposed before the Eyes of Him to whom we must give an account. This passage reminds us of the Exceptional Glory and Power of God’s Word in our lives. We are encouraged to hold firmly to our faith in Jesus, the Great High Priest who understands our weaknesses and intercedes for us before God’s Throne with Exceeding Glory and Grace.

In Psalms 19:8, 9, 10, 15, we are reminded of the perfect nature of the Lord’s Decrees, trustworthy and right, more precious than gold, sweeter than honey. The fear of the Lord is pure, enduring forever. The Ordinance of the Lord are true and altogether righteous. May these words of our mouths and the meditations of our hearts be pleasing in His Sight. As we delight in the law of the Lord, God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory fill our lives with Wisdom, Joy, and Blessings.

In Mark 2:13-17, we witness the example of Jesus Christ, the Son of God, who called Levi, a tax collector, to follow Him. Jesus dined with sinners and outcasts, showing us His Compassion and love for all people. When the religious leaders questioned His Actions, Jesus explained that He came not for the righteous, but for sinners. This passage reveals God’s Exceeding Glory through the Mercy and Grace of Jesus, who offers Forgiveness and Salvation to those who repent and believe.

As Pentecostal Christians, we are called to reflect the Exceptional and Exceeding Glory of God in our daily lives. We are to be rooted in the Word of God, holding fast to our faith in Jesus Christ, our Great High Priest. We are to delight in the law of the Lord, meditating on His Decrees and living in obedience to His Commands. We are to follow the example of Jesus, showing love, compassion, and mercy to all people, sharing the Good News of Salvation with Humility and Grace. May our lives be a testimony to the Exceptional and Exceeding Glory of God, shining brightly for His Glory and Honour.

Prayer Points:

1. Almighty God, Your Word is Living and Active, Penetrating Deep into our Hearts and Souls. (Hebrews 4:12)

2. Lord Jesus Christ, You are the Great High Priest who Understands our Weaknesses, Yet You are without Sin. (Hebrews 4:15)

3. Holy Spirit, Guide us in Meditating on Your Perfect Laws, Reviving our Souls and Rejoicing our Hearts. (Psalms 19:8)

4. Sovereign God, Your Decrees are Trustworthy, Making Wise the Simple and Giving Joy to the Heart. (Psalms 19:9)

5. O Lord, Your Word is More Precious than Gold, Sweeter than Honey from the Honeycomb. (Psalms 19:10)

6. God of Mercy, Incline your Ear to our Prayers and Teachings, Let our Words be Acceptable in Your Sight. (Psalms 19:15)

7. Jesus, You Call Us Sinners to Follow You, For You Came to Heal the Sick and Bring Salvation. (Mark 2:17)

8. Mighty Saviour, Transform Us into New Wineskins, Ready to Receive Your Overflowing Grace and Unending Mercies. (Mark 2:22)

9. Holy Trinity, Help us to Embrace Your Promise of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Grace in our Daily Walk with You. Amen.

May these prayer bullets uplift and empower our faith journey by allowing us to experience the Exceptional Glory of God in our lives. Amen.

Amen in Jesus’ Name. Amen Hallelujah!!!






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