“Now this I know: The LORD gives victory to his anointed. He answers him from his heavenly sanctuary with the victorious power of his right hand. Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God. They are brought to their knees and fall, but we rise up and stand firm.

“For I know the plans and thoughts that I have for you,’ says the Lord, ‘plans for peace and well-being and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope. Then you will call on Me and you will come and pray to Me, and I will hear [your voice] and I will listen to you. Then [with a deep longing] you will seek Me and require Me [as a vital necessity] and [you will] find Me when you search for Me with all your heart.

“Receive this truth: Whatever you forbid on earth will be considered to be forbidden in heaven, and whatever you release on earth will be considered to be released in heaven. Again, I give you an eternal truth: If two of you agree to ask God for something in a symphony of prayer, my heavenly Father will do it for you.”

(Psalm 20:6-8 TPT; Jeremiah 29:11-13 AM; Matthew 18:18-19 TPT)

Praise God, Hallelujah!

Praise God, Amen!!

Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

1. All glory to God! We thank You for ceaselessly hearing all our prayers. We thank You for always turning Your heart to us. We thank You for You came quickly to rescue us. We thank You, Lord, for You are our Rock of refuge, a strong fortress to save us. Hallelujah! We thank You for You are our Light. You always make our light break forth like the dawn, and our healing will quickly turn up. We thank You for Your righteousness will go before us, and Your glory will be our Rear guard. Hallelujah! I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

2. All glory to God: For He has a great plan for us! We thank You for Your plans to prosper us and not to harm us. We thank You for Your goal to give us hope and a future forever. We thank You, with You, nothing shall be impossible. With our God, all things are possible! Hallelujah! We thank You for You can do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to Your power that is at work within us. We thank You. I thank You for the opportunity to come before Your Throne of Grace and make a declaration of fulfilment upon Your people. We thank You for Your steadfast love that has never ceased in our lives and homes. Hallelujah! I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

3. All glory to God! For the miracles of joy, peace, and goodness for us and our homes. We thank You for the miracles our fathers enjoyed that are available to us today. We thank You for Your faithfulness is great, O Lord God Almighty! Hallelujah! We thank You for You are great and awesome. We thank You, for there is no one like You, O Lord! We thank You, and we cannot thank You enough! Forever and ever we shall be grateful to You, O Lord! Hallelujah! We thank You for the miracles and harvest that come with it! We thank You for Your strength and grace in our lives and families. You give us peace and strength even in times of trouble. We thank You that this is the day, You made, and You will never leave, nor forsake us. Hallelujah! I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.


4. I pray your life and family to receive the miracle you need now. Heavenly Father shall forgive you if there has been any sin in your life that is hindering your miracle from coming forth. Amen. Heavenly Father shall give you the miracle you ask, seek, and knock to have. You asked you shall now receive. You sought; you shall now find. You knocked and sought open doors, the heavens of miracles shall now open for you. Heavenly Father shall bow down His loving Ears and hear the cry of your petition for a miracle. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

5. Heavenly Father, You are the God that performs miracles so great. I decree miracles of diverse kinds now. I pray that God Almighty shall display His power in your life by giving you miracles. Amen. Yes, Amen! Heavenly Father shall make known to you the path of a miracle-filled life; fill you with joy in His presence and with eternal pleasures at His right hand. Amen. Yes, Amen! Heavenly Father shall reward you with an uncommon miracle according to His righteousness. According to God’s Power, He shall give you signs, wonders, and miracles. God’s Hand for joy and peace for miracles shall be upon you and your family for good. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

6. Lord God shall assign you your miraculous portion in the land of the living. You are a candidate for miracles. God shall establish His miracles and grant you all your heart’s desires. Amen. I pray Jesus’ Blood shall cancel all ungodly delays to your miracle. Heavenly Father shall hasten His Word and there shall be a performance of His promises in your life. Amen. I order that the Angels of the Most High God shall roll away every stone blocking the manifestation of your miracles. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

7. I declare that the help you need is on the way to you now. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit shall help you to be at the right place at the right time when the moment of your miracle comes. Amen. I decree that the time for your miracle, you will not miss! Heavenly Father shall bless you with a miracle that will draw others to Him. Heavenly Father shall do extraordinary miracles through your hands for others. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

8. The Owner of Joy and Mercy will visit you with everlasting joy and divine mercy. Divine helpers will meet you at the point of your needs. The only one with promotion ability will move you to the next level. Amen. The Almighty God, the Author of all divine connections, will connect you to your destiny helpers. The only one who can comfort and bring laughter to someone’s life will intervene in that confusing situation. Amen. Above all, the King of kings who has the power to deliver the oppressed will turn your shame to glory and put all your enemies to forever waiting. Yes, those who are working for your downfall and disgrace shall be cloth with everlasting confusion and guilt. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

9. God shall turn around all your impossible situations in your favour. You shall trust in God, Amen. Yes, Amen! You shall trust God with those little things and those impossible situations. You shall engage the mystery of praise, and your praise shall bring God into that impossible situation. I declare that there shall be a great miracle for you and your family now. The emphasis is that you shall receive your miracles now! Your victory is here. Amen. I now declare that all your past defeats shall be converted to victory. May your life become a terror to the enemy. Your hands shall begin to break every hold of the enemy in every area of your life. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.

10. I declare the disgrace of Satan publicly in your life. The fire of God shall begin to destroy every evil imagination against any department of your life. All wicked imaginations fashioned against your life shall return to sender with double jeopardy. Lord God shall expose and disgrace all the devices of Satan against your life through any source and at any time. Amen. Yes, Amen! You shall begin to forsake all personal sin that has given ground to the enemy in your life. You shall begin to reclaim all the ground you have lost to the enemy. You shall begin to apply the power in the Name and the Blood of Jesus Christ to your situation now. You shall begin to use the Blood and the Name of Jesus Christ to remove all forms of evil oppression in your life. Amen. By God’s Mighty Hand, victory is coming to you now. O Lord shall break the binding effect of anything evil ever put upon you from any source. I bind all enemy spirits that oppress you and remove them from your life. I command the power of the enemy working against your advancement to be terminated now. Lord God shall train your hands for spiritual warfare and cause your enemies to flee before you. You and yours shall praise God forever. Amen. I now declare a season of great grace upon you and your family. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon you; God’s miracles shall bring you sudden victory. Amen.



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