1. Isaiah 6:1-2, 3-8, Psalms 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8, Luke 5:1-11, First Corinthians 15:1-11 NOG
PN 1). The Scriptures reveal God’s Exceptional and Exceeding Glory, inviting us into moments of encounter with His Divine Presence. Through passages in Isaiah, Psalms, Luke, and Corinthians, we witness profound revelations of God’s Character, Power, and Transformative Work in the lives of His People. As we delve into these texts, we are invited to explore the themes of worship, thanksgiving, obedience, and redemption that permeate the pages of Scripture and speak to the core of our faith as Pentecostal Christians.
Exploring the Scriptures:
1. Isaiah 6:1-2, 3-8:
In this passage, Isaiah receives a powerful vision of the Lord seated on His throne, surrounded by Seraphim, who worshipped Him. The magnificence of God’s Glory is revealed to Isaiah, leading him to acknowledge his unworthiness. Through this encounter, Isaiah is cleansed by a burning coal and accepts God’s call to be His messenger to the people, saying, “Here am I. Send me!”
2. Psalms 138:1-2, 2-3, 4-5, 7-8:
The Psalmist expresses profound praise and thanksgiving to the Lord for His Faithfulness and Lovingkindness. He acknowledges God’s Goodness and Promises to worship and give thanks to Him with all his heart. The psalmist declares that even kings will praise God and give thanks when they hear His Words. He shows confidence that the Lord will fulfil His Purpose for him and urges all to give thanks and praise to God for His unfailing Love.
3. Luke 5:1-11:
In this passage, Jesus calls Simon Peter to cast his net into the deep water, resulting in a miraculous catch of fish. Peter is astonished by this display of God’s Power and falls at Jesus’ feet, acknowledging his sinfulness. Jesus then assures Peter that he will become a fisher of men. Peter, James, and John leave everything behind and follow Jesus, illustrating the transformative power of encountering Christ.
4. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11:
In this section, Apostle Paul reminds the Corinthians of the foundational truth of the Gospel that he preached—the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus Christ. He recounts how God’s Grace chose him as the least of the apostles to spread the good news of Christ. Paul emphasises that the Gospel is of the utmost importance, for believers are saved by believing in Christ’s resurrection. Despite his past persecutions of the Church, Paul recognises God’s grace that transformed him and enabled him to serve as an apostle.
These passages collectively highlight themes of encountering God’s glory and responding in worship and obedience, praising God for His faithfulness and mercy, experiencing the power and authority of Christ in our lives, and recognising the transformative nature of the Gospel message in bringing salvation and redemption to all who believe.
Additionally, in God’s magnificent presence, the Prophet Isaiah beheld a vision of the Lord seated on His exalted and majestic throne, flanked by Seraphim, who declared the Lord’s holiness. This profound encounter serves as a poignant reminder to remain open and receptive to God’s divine call upon our lives, just as Isaiah humbly accepted his divine commission.
Similarly, the psalmist’s heartfelt expression of worship and gratitude towards the LORD in Psalms depicts the reverence and adoration we should have for the Creator of the heavens and the earth. Through songs of thanksgiving and praise, we, too, can exalt and honour the GOD of all creation in every aspect of our lives.
Reflecting on the miraculous account of Peter’s obedience to the command of the LORD JESUS and the subsequent overflowing catch of fish, we are reminded that GOD’s power and providence surpass human understanding. This narrative underscores the truth that we can witness remarkable manifestations of divine healing, restoration, and abundance through faith and obedience to GOD’s Word.
Paul’s testimony to the Corinthian believers regarding the transformative nature of the Gospel of CHRIST underscores the boundless grace and mercy that GOD extends towards His people. Despite our imperfections and failures, GOD’s saving grace, as exemplified through His Son, JESUS CHRIST, offers us salvation, redemption, and new beginnings.
As Pentecostal Christians, we must walk in the light of GOD’s glory, seeking healing, restoration, and transformation through Him. By interpreting His Word faithfully and applying His teachings in our daily lives, we can manifest His glory on earth and be living testimonies of His redeeming love and power to those around us.
Lessons for discussion:
1. Isaiah 6:1-2
– Lesson: The awe-inspiring vision of God’s glory in Isaiah 6:1-2 reminds us of the majesty of God and the importance of seeking his presence in our lives for transformation and guidance.
2. Isaiah 6:3-8
– Lesson: Isaiah’s response to God’s call in Isaiah 6:3-8 teaches us about the willingness to respond to God’s call with humility and obedience, trusting in his plan for our lives.
3. Psalms 138:1-2
– Lesson: The psalmist’s praise and thanksgiving in Psalms 138:1-2 encourages us to cultivate a heart of gratitude towards God for his faithfulness and goodness in our lives.
4. Psalms 138:2-3
– Lesson: Reflecting on God’s promises in Psalms 138:2-3 reminds us of the importance of trusting in God’s unfailing love and faithfulness, even in challenging circumstances.
5. Psalms 138:4-5
– Lesson: The psalmist’s recognition of God’s glory and greatness in Psalms 138:4-5 calls us to acknowledge and honour God’s sovereignty and power in our lives.
6. Psalms 138:7-8
– Lesson: The psalmist’s reliance on God’s protection and guiding presence in Psalms 138:7-8 reminds us of God’s faithfulness to lead and sustain us through life’s challenges.
7. Luke 5:1-11
– Lesson: The miraculous catch of fish in Luke 5:1-11 serves as a reminder of God’s provision and blessings when we trust and obey his calling, even when circumstances seem impossible.
8. 1 Corinthians 15:1-11
– Lesson: Paul’s exposition of the gospel in 1 Corinthians 15:1-11 underscores the foundational truth of Christ’s death, burial, and resurrection, reminding us of the power of the Gospel message to transform lives.
These lessons provide a rich tapestry of insights for discussion, drawing out themes of God’s glory, faithfulness, provision, and the Gospel’s transformative power in our lives.
In conclusion, as we study the Word of God, we are reminded of the majesty and splendour of His glory, calling us to respond with awe, gratitude, and surrender. May we, like Isaiah, the Psalmist, Simon Peter, and the apostle Paul, embrace our encounters with God, allowing His presence to bring healing, transformation, and renewal into our lives. Let us hold fast to the promises of God’s exceptional Glory and exceeding Glory, trusting in His Faithfulness and Grace to lead us into a deeper relationship with Him daily. May our hearts resound with praise and thanksgiving for the great things He has done and continues to do in our midst.
Prayer Bullets:
1. Heavenly Father, we come before You in awe of Your Exceeding Glory and Majesty. May Your Presence fill our lives and guide our steps.
2. Lord Jesus Christ, thank You for Your unfailing Love and Faithfulness in our lives, help us to always trust in Your Promises and lean on Your Strength.
3. God, we praise You for Your Protection and Guidance. May Your Presence surround us and lead us on the path of Righteousness.
4. Lord, like Peter in Luke 5, help us to trust in Your Provision and Blessings, even when circumstances seem impossible. May we step out in faith and obedience to Your Calling.
5. Heavenly Father, thank You for the Gospel message of Christ’s Death, Burial, and Resurrection. May it continue to transform and renew our hearts and minds daily.
6. Lord, grant us the courage and humility to respond to Your Call with obedience and submission. May we be willing to follow where You lead us.
7. God, we surrender our fears and doubts to You. Help us cultivate hearts of gratitude and praise for all You have done and continue to do in our lives.
8. Holy Spirit, we lift up our needs and desires to You, trusting in Your Perfect Timing and Provision. May Your Will be done in our lives for Your Glory and our joy. Amen.
2. Genesis 1:1-19, Psalms 104:1-2, 5-6, 10, 12, 24, 35, Mark 6:53-56
PN 2). In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth. The Lord wraps Himself in light, spreading out the sky like a curtain. He set the earth on its foundations, never to be moved.
The wide expanse of the sea, teeming with creatures, shows the Hand of God. The waters receive their life from Him, and all creatures depend on His Provision. The sun knows when to set, and darkness blankets the earth, allowing the creatures of the night to emerge.
Great are the works of the Lord, full of His Wisdom. The Earth is full of His Creatures, from the smallest insects to the mightiest animals. The Glory of God shines through all His Creation, and His Spirit moves across the land.
As Jesus Christ walked among the people, His Glory and Healing Power were evident. All who touched His Cloak were healed, for His Glory radiated from Him. The people were in awe and recognized the Presence of the Messiah in their midst.
Through these Scriptures, we see the Exceptional Glory and Exceeding Glory of God’s Creation and His Healing Power through Jesus Christ. We learn that in our daily lives, we can experience the Presence of God, rely on His Provision, and trust in His Wisdom and Healing. May we walk in the light of His Glory, spreading His Love and Power to all we encounter, reflecting His Glory in all we do.
Let’s pray:
1. Lord Jehovah, Manifest Your Exceeding Glory in my life, illuminating every dark corner with Your Divine Light.
2. Jesus Christ, Uphold Your Promise of Exceptional Glory over me, guiding my steps in Your Path of Truth and Grace.
3. Holy Spirit, Fill me with Your Consuming Fire, refining me to reflect the Shimmering Glory of the Triune God.
4. Almighty God, Unveil Your Mighty Power within me, empowering me to walk in Victory and Triumph.
5. Sovereign Lord, Let Your Radiant Glory shine through me, drawing others to witness Your Wondrous Works in my life.
6. Precious Saviour, Cloak me in Your Abounding Love, that the World may see Your Glory bursting forth from within me.
7. Heavenly Father, Let Your Unfailing Promises of Exceeding Glory be a Beacon of Hope and Encouragement in my daily journey.
8. I decree and declare, by the Power of the Most High, that I am a vessel of Exceeding and Exceptional Glory, reflecting the Divine Light of the Triune God to all who cross my path. Amen.
3. Genesis 1:20-2:4, Psalms 8:4-5, 6-7, 8-9, Mark 7:1-13
PN 3). In the passages from Genesis, Psalms, and Mark, we see the Creator, the Lord God Almighty, displaying His Amazing power and Glory in creating the heavens and the earth, forming man in His Image and giving him dominion over all creation. The Psalmist marvels at the Lord’s Magnificence in the heavens and on earth, acknowledging the Majesty and Glory of the Lord’s Name.
For Pentecostal Christians, this points to the Eminent presence of the Holy Spirit in our lives, enabling us to reflect God’s Glory and walk in His Ways. It is through the Holy Spirit that we receive the strength and power to live victoriously, demonstrating God’s Exceeding Glory in our daily lives.
As we study and meditate on these Scriptures, let us be encouraged to seek after God’s Glory and embrace His Promises of Exceptional Glory in our lives. Through prayer, worship, and obedience to His Word, we can experience the Fullness of His Glory shining through us, bringing light to a dark world and drawing others to the Saviour, Jesus Christ. Let us walk in the Spirit, in the power of His Might, for His Glory alone. Amen.
Let’s pray:
1. Heavenly Father, thank You for Your Promise of Exceeding Glory in my life. I pray for Your Exceptional Presence to manifest in every area of my being.
2. Lord Jesus Christ, I declare Your Sovereignty over my circumstances and invite Your Supernatural Power to bring forth miracles and breakthroughs in my life.
3. Holy Spirit, fill me with Your Wisdom and Revelation, that I may walk in the Fullness of God’s Glory and be a shining light to the world.
4. Almighty God, Let Your Abundant Grace and Mercy overflow in my life, revealing Your Unfailing Love and Faithfulness.
5. Heavenly Father, I thank You for Your Unchanging Promises of Blessings and Prosperity, as I align myself with Your Will and Purpose for me.
6. Lord Jesus Christ, I receive Your Anointing and Favour, that I may walk in Victory and Triumph over every obstacle in my path.
7. Holy Spirit, lead me in paths of Righteousness and Holiness, that Your Glory may be revealed through my actions and deeds.
8. Almighty God, I lift up my praises and thanksgiving for Your Divine Provision and Protection, knowing that Your Abundance will overflow in my life.
9. Heavenly Father, I surrender all to You and trust in Your Plan for my life, knowing that Your Exceeding and Exceptional Glory will be made manifest in and through me. Amen.
4. Genesis 2:5-9, 15-17, Psalms 104:1-2, 27-28, 29-30, Mark 7:14-23
PN 4). Genesis 2:5-9, 15-17 speaks of God’s Promises to provide for His Creation. Just as God created a garden and provided for Adam and Eve, He promises to provide for His Children today.
In Psalms 104:1-2, 27-30, we see God’s Exceptional Glory displayed in His Creation of the world and His Provision for all living beings. His glory is evident in the beauty and intricacy of His creation.
Mark 7:14-23 warns against the dangers of Exceeding Glory, reminding us that true purity comes from the heart. We must guard our hearts against evil thoughts and desires to stay in alignment with God’s Will.
For daily living, Pentecostal believers can trust in God’s Promises, marvel at His Exceptional Glory in creation, guard against excessive pride by focusing on purity of heart, and seek to live in accordance with His will in every aspect of life. Through prayer, meditation on His Word, and obedience to His commands, we can experience His presence and guidance each day.
Let’s pray:
1. Almighty God, thank You for Your abundant Promises of provision and care in my life.
2. Heavenly Father, I praise You for Your Exceptional Glory displayed in all of Creation.
3. Lord Jesus Christ, help me guard my heart against all Excelling Glory and evil desires.
4. Holy Spirit, lead me in daily living according to Your will and guidance.
5. Sovereign God, grant me strength to trust in Your Promises, marvel at Your Exceptional Glory, and walk in purity before You.
6. Gracious Lord, fill me with Your presence and wisdom as I seek to live a life that glorifies You.
7. Precious Saviour, may my prayers be aligned with Your Word and Your perfect will for my life.
8. Divine Creator, grant me a heart that is surrendered to You completely in prayer and obedience.
9. Almighty God, thank You for the privilege of coming before Your Throne in prayer and experiencing Your power and love.
10. Triune God, guide me in fervent prayer, seeking Your Promises, Your Glory, and Your Perfect Will each day.
5. Genesis 2:18-25, Psalms 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, Mark 7:24-30
PN 5). In the study of Scriptures from Genesis 2:18-25, Psalms 128:1-2, 3, 4-5, and Mark 7:24-30, we delve into the Divine Promises of Exceptional Glory and Exceeding, Shining Glory that God has in store for believers. These passages reveal the Divine Plan for mankind’s relationships and the importance of seeking His Glory in all facets of life.
As Pentecostal Christians, we understand that the Almighty Creator, Jehovah, designed companionship and shared Glory for humankind since the creation of Adam and Eve. This highlights the significance of Unity, mutual Support, and understanding within the family unit, reflecting the Divine image in which we are created.
Psalm 128 reinforces the concept of seeking the Lord’s Blessings, walking in His Ways, and experiencing the fruitfulness and prosperity that comes from living according to His Word. When we align our lives with His Will, we can expect to see His Glory shining brightly upon us, bringing about abundance and joy in all areas of our existence.
The encounter between Jesus and the Syrophoenician woman in Mark 7:24-30 emphasises the faith and humility required to receive God’s Exceptional, Exceeding and Shinning Glory. Despite initial challenges, the woman’s unwavering trust in Jesus led to a miraculous outcome, demonstrating the power of persistence and faith in claiming God’s Promises even in difficult circumstances.
As Pentecostal believers, we are called to seek the Lord’s Glory fervently in our daily lives, trusting in the guidance of the Holy Spirit and the intercession of Jesus Christ to lead us towards the manifestation of His Exceptional, Exceeding and Shinning Glory. Through prayer, worship, and obedience to His Word, we can experience the transformative power of His Glory in every aspect of our existence, reflecting His Light and Love to those around us.
Let’s pray:
1. In the realm of Divine Promises, we lift our voices to the Almighty Creator, GOD, for the Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory to manifest in the lives of believers.
2. In the Name of JESUS CHRIST, we claim victory over darkness and declare the Sovereignty of the Holy SPIRIT in every aspect of our being.
3. May the Glory of GOD shine brightly upon us, transforming us into vessels of His Grace and Power.
4. We pray for Divine encounters, miraculous breakthroughs, and overwhelming blessings, all to the Glory of the Triune GOD. Amen.
6. Genesis 3:1-8, Psalms 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7, Mark 7:31-37
PN 6). In Genesis 3:1-8, the Deceiver approached Eve, leading to the Fall of mankind; in Psalms 32:1-2, 5, 6, 7, we see the joy of forgiveness and the blessing of being guided by the Lord; and in Mark 7:31-37, Jesus healed a deaf man, showing His Power and Compassion. Reflecting on these Scriptures, we can learn about God’s Promises of Exceptional Glory, Exceeding and Shinning Glory, as well as their interpretations and practical applications for daily living in Pentecostal Christian faith.
As believers, we are called to worship and serve God, for He is the Almighty Creator, the Redeemer, and the Comforter. The Exceptional Glory of God shines upon us, leading us to Repentance, Forgiveness, and Love. Through prayer, praise, and studying His Word, we can experience His Exceeding Grace and Mercies every day.
Let us seek the Lord with all our hearts, trusting in His Promises that bring Hope, Joy, and Peace. By living a life of obedience and faith, we can witness His Shinning Glory in our lives and reflect His Light to others. May we grow in our relationship with God, Jesus Christ, and the Holy Spirit, allowing them to guide, strengthen, and empower us for His Divine Purpose. Amen.
Let’s pray:
1. Almighty God, fill us with Your Exceeding Glory.
2. Strengthen our Faith in Jesus Christ, who brings Exceptional Grace.
3. Holy Spirit, empower us to Shine for Your glory.
4. Grant us Wisdom to walk in Your Light, O Lord. Amen.
7. Genesis 3:9-24, Psalms 90:2, 3-4, 5-6, 12-13, Mark 8:1-10
PN 7). In Genesis 3:9-24, we see how God’s Promise of Exceeding Glory was overshadowed by the disobedience of Adam and Eve, leading to their expulsion from the Garden of Eden. Despite this, God’s Exceptional Glory remained, as He clothed them with garments of skin, showing His provision and care.
Psalm 90:2-13 reminds us of God’s Eternal Nature and His Everlasting Presence in our lives. His Glory shines brightly in the heavens, displaying His Greatness and Magnificence. As we meditate on His Promises and seek His Face, we can experience His Exceeding Glory in our daily lives.
Mark 8:1-10 highlights the miraculous feeding of the four thousand by Jesus Christ. This display of Shinning Glory reveals His Power and Provision for His People. As Pentecostal Christians, we can interpret this passage as a testimony to God’s Faithfulness and Abundance in our lives.
Practical applications for daily living include trusting in God’s Promises, seeking His Glory in all aspects of our lives, and sharing His Love and Grace with others. By following the teachings of Jesus Christ and being filled with the Holy Spirit, we can experience the fullness of God’s Exceptional Glory in our lives.
Let’s pray:
1. Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your Promise of Exceeding Glory in our lives. Let Your Exceptional light shine through us, revealing Your Shinning Glory to the world.
2. Lord Jesus Christ, empower us with Your Holy Spirit to walk in Your Promises of abundance and victory. May Your Exceeding Glory be manifest in all we do, bringing honour and praise to Your name.
3. Holy Spirit, guide us in our daily living, that we may reflect God’s Exceptional Glory in our thoughts, words, and actions. Fill us with Your Shinning presence, illuminating the path ahead with divine wisdom and grace.
4. We declare that as believers, we are vessels of God’s Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory. May our lives be a testament to Your unfailing love and faithfulness, O God.
5. Lord, let Your Glory shine brightly through us, drawing others towards Your Saving Grace and Transforming Power. May we be beacons of light in a world darkened by sin and despair, pointing others to the hope found in You, Jesus Christ.
6. Heavenly Father, thank You for the Promises of Exceeding, Exceptional, and Shinning Glory in our lives. May we walk in faith and obedience, knowing that You are with us always, guiding us towards Your perfect will. Amen.
Amen in Jesus’ Name. Amen Hallelujah!!!