For here is the way God loved the world—he gave his only, unique Son as a gift. So now everyone who believes in him will never perish but experience everlasting life. “God did not send his Son into the world to judge and condemn the world, but to be its Savior and rescue it! So now there is no longer any condemnation for those who believe in him, but the unbeliever already lives under condemnation because they do not believe in the name of the only Son of God.” (John 3:16-18 TPT)

Praise God, Hallelujah!

Praise God, Amen!!

Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

1. All glory to God! For the miracles of this season. Heavenly Father, we Praise You for You give miracles and come to us with great grace and peace. We thank You for Jesus, born to earth to live among us and pay the ultimate price for our sins. Along the way, He lived a life that we can look to as an example of how to navigate human life on earth. Belief in Him reaches beyond this life and unto heaven. We thank You for Your grace upon us to love You forever. We shall praise Your Name forever. For Your Name is awesome, for Your Name brought us blessings and miracles. We thank You, for You will never stop to bless us and give us miracles. We thank You for re-focusing our hearts on Christ Jesus. We thank You for the help we are receiving to experience Your presence, and for giving our hearts the grace to understand the mystery in Your Word. We thank You for loving the whole world enough to send the greatest gift, Your Son. Hallelujah! We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

2. All glory to God! We thank You, God Almighty, for sending Your Son on one glorious night, born a Virgin, to live a perfect life, and to die on the cross for our sins. We thank You that He rose from the dead three days later and that this season, every other time, and always, we can celebrate the gift of Eternal Life through Jesus Christ. We thank You, God, and we give You perpetual thanks for our Redemption in Christ in times like this and forever. We thank You for giving us daily Bread and Daily meals and for the inspiration, anointing, and power to enjoy the best of where we reside through the power of Your Grace and favour You freely give to us. We thank You for anointing everyone under this mandate and those who are present to give thanks and rejoice. Hallelujah! We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

3. All glory to God! We shall sing to Jesus Christ praise, thanks, and glory, for He came from heaven to destroy sin and death for us and, by His precious, willing sacrifice, restored innocence and peace. Already here on earth, He renews joy and hope in us by His grace. Still more incredible happiness is prepared there for those who love Him when one day they will be renewed in His image, made new, holy and awakened from death. We shall forever rejoice in our holy God! We shall forever rejoice in our Eternal God! How blessed it is to praise Him here and then in Heaven. He is our holiness! He is our righteousness! He is our life! He always loves us, His children. Hallelujah! We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

4. All glory to God! Lord Jesus, we thank You for loving us so much that You would leave Your realms of majestic glory to dwell among us. If it had not been for The great love that compelled You to come and redeem us today, we would still be lost in our sins and iniquities. Because You loved us so much, You can not love us less. You were willing to come to this earth and purchase our Salvation. You were born as a baby in Bethlehem, yet You always existed, and You came here with a definite plan to save us from an eternity separated from You. We thank You so much for coming, Lord. We thank You for You are the Ever Strength and Peace with us. Thank You for loving us enough to temporarily shed Your glory and become a man so You could pay for our sins and save us to the uttermost! We thank You, and we cannot thank You enough for us. We thank You, Heavenly Father, for that first grace that brings us Your immeasurable gift and the authentic taste of Eternal Life with You forever. Amen. We shall thank You forever. Hallelujah! We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

5. Oh yes, Amen. We declare the wonders of Your love upon ourselves. For the Wonder of Your Love, Lord, we have our being. Heavenly Father, it wasn’t with bad intentions initially that the celebrations of Your love grew way beyond every anticipation. We pray that You shall renew in our hearts the wonder and awe of the miracles of Your love for us. Not only us, Lord Jesus but let our newfound wonder spread to our families and our friends. We shall all come together to celebrate You and leave behind the fuss. Heavenly Father, we shall celebrate the reality of Your presence in our lives, homes, and nations forever. We shall continue to celebrate Your birth, Your life, Your death, and Your resurrection. And as we celebrate, Lord Jesus, help us to be “God with skin on” to those in need around us. Open our eyes, and let us see them as You see them! We love You, O Lord! We declare we shall love You forever. Amen. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

6. Lord Jesus, we bow our hearts before You and honour You. We pray that You help us to choose not one but much holy waiting upon You, O Lord, in this season of harvest of miracles of Your Love. Please nudge us by Your Spirit and remind us to step away from every abuse of Your grace, and get alone with You in meditation and a faith journey for the miracles we need, Lord. We declare that there shall be a harvest of diverse miracles in the house. You shall fill our minds, hearts, and spirits with joy and gratitude! Amen. Heavenly Father, we declare that You will turn our hearts toward You and remain focused on Your goodness for our lives. Help us with divine strength, so we don’t get caught up in the hustle and bustle of this age and miss the opportunity to celebrate the gifts of hope, peace, joy, and love that You sent to us for our joy and rejoicing. In Your Name, we have it all for our good. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

7. Lord Jesus, we ask You to grant us peace. Peace in our homes, peace in our nations, peace in our churches, and peace in our hearts, especially when it feels like the world all around us spins out of control. Help us, Lord Jesus, so we can stay focused on You always. Help us, O Lord, so we might have a very merry daily, even in a not-so-merry world. Amen. Heavenly Father, we declare Your mercy over us all. The mercy that lasts from now till Eternity. Merciful God, we pray that You open the depths of our souls so that we may receive the immortality of our spirits through the new birth of Your Son by the power of His body and precious Blood. Christ Jesus shall reign in us now and forever. The Holy Spirit’s Power shall fill our lives for daily victory over sins, flesh, and Satan permanently. Amen. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

8. Almighty and eternal God, we pray that You mercifully direct us all the time that we may walk in Your way and abound in good works; through Your beloved Son, Jesus Christ our Lord, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit, one true God, now and forever. Amen. Lord Jesus, we pray for inner peace and strength to do Your will. O Lord Jesus Christ, by Your incarnation, You united things earthly and heavenly. Fill us with the sweetness of inward peace and goodwill, that we may join the heavenly host in singing praises to Your glory; for You live and reign with the Father and the Holy Spirit, one God, now and forever. We shall bring the blessing of perpetual miracles, signs, and wonders. Yes, we pray for the phenomenon of Your Name. Amen. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

9. Amen, we that Jesus’ love shall permeate everything in us. Ah! Sweet Jesus, we pray that You pierce the marrow of our souls with the healthful arrows of Your love, that it may genuinely burn, melt, and languish with the desire for You alone. Heavenly Father, we pray that all our desire to be dissolved and to be with You; all our hunger alone for the bread of life; all our thirst after You, the spring and fountain of eternal light, the stream of true pleasure; always we shall desire You, seek You, and find You, and sweetly rest in You. We shall praise Your Name forever. Amen. We declare that You are our Rock forever, and we shall run to You today, believing that You will lift our heavy arms, that You will fuel us for the tasks You’ve given us, and that Your joy shall completely consume the weakness of our lives and make us powerful again. We don’t want to stay grounded, crippled by limitations and failed attempts. We’re tired of feeble efforts. Lord, we want to mount up with wings like an eagle and not just fly. We want to soar above all our challenges and praise the goodness of Your Name forever. Amen. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.

10. By the Love of God, we declare inner peace and strength. Yes, Amen! Lord, we are weary. Our energy is sagging, and our motivation is lagging. And we are so in need of You. We declare more of You, Jesus Christ in us. We receive Your strength now and Your fresh touch to get back on track again. Your Word says the joy of the Lord is our strength. Certainly, that’s the truth, then we claim Your joy to replace all the bone-tired parts of our mind, body, and soul. Amen. The pressures of life sometimes push us into a corner, rendering us helpless to move forward. A hundred voices call our names, and we feel paralyzed at times to answer, not knowing where to turn. Lord Jesus Christ, help us not to quit, to keep running the race faithfully, and to find strength in that safe, secret place of Yours, under the shadow of the Almighty. Our whole beings shall hear the Voice of Jesus’ Blood speaking better things for our turnaround. Amen. Oh yes, God’s peace is for us. God’s Power for our inner Strength forever. Amen. Lord Jesus, give us the strength to stick it out over the long haul—not the grim strength of gritting our teeth but the glory strength God gives. It is the strength that endures the unendurable and spills over into joy, thanking the Heavenly Father who makes us strong enough to take part in everything bright and beautiful that HE has for us. Jesus Christ, arise big in us and give us strength in our weaknesses. Amen. Oh yes! We need Your strength to say no when we are tempted to surrender to harmful things, or when selfishness clings to our garments and won’t let go. We need Your strength to say yes when cowardice and fear nudge us to deny the convictions of our hearts. We need Your strength to reach out in love to those close to us and all around us. When don’t we need Your strength, God? We need Strength daily. Grant us, Your Strength daily. Amen. We now declare that the Holy Spirit shall drive away from us all forms of sickness and disease. Amen, oh yes; the Holy Spirit shall restore strength to our bodies and joy to our spirits, so that in our renewed health, we shall bless and serve You, now and forevermore. Amen. The Holy Spirit Power shall come upon us; God’s miracles shall bring us inner peace and strength to do His will forever. Amen.



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