“No magic charms can work against them–just look what God has done for his people.

“I will lead the blind on roads they have never known; I will guide them on paths they have never traveled. Their road is dark and rough, but I will give light to keep them from stumbling. This is my solemn promise.

“God will command his angels to protect you wherever you go. They will carry you in their arms, and you won’t hurt your feet on the stones. You will overpower the strongest lions
and the most deadly snakes.

“The Lord will always keep me from being harmed by evil, and he will bring me safely into his heavenly kingdom. Praise him forever and ever! Amen.

(Number 23:23; Isaiah 42:16; Psalm 91:11-13 & 2 Timothy 4:18 CEV)

Praise God, Hallelujah!

Praise God, Amen!!

Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

1. All glory to God! Heavenly Father, we thank You for Your unending love for our homes and us. Your goodness is evident all around us. To You be the praises and adoration forever. We thank You for the unseen battles You fought and won for us. Heavenly Lord, we appreciate You. We thank You, Heavenly Father, and forever our hallelujah shall be to You, Lord! God is king we celebrate him. We celebrate Your Lordship over us. Your presence shall be with us. Hallelujah! Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

2. All glory to God! We appreciate You, Lord, for the miracle of being alive to shine in Your glory and receive blessings of the harvest of miracles, yes, miracles of diverse kinds! All glory to God! Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, we thank You, for no one can be compared to You. Heavenly Father, Lord Jesus, we thank You for Your covenant is everlasting, and You remember every detail of it. We thank You for You are Covenant-Keeping God, and You do great miracles! Oh yes, You do miracles so great, Lord! We shall thank You forever. Hallelujah! Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

3. All glory to God! As our ever-present help in times of trouble, we thank You, Lord, for coming through for us. We thank You, heavenly Father, for Your provisional blessings upon our lives. Heavenly Father, we thank You for You always hearing us; we thank You, Lord, for You answers our prayers even when we don’t deserve an answer. We thank You for divine solutions, Lord! Every day is evil-free for our families and us. O Lord, we thank You because You always answer our prayers anytime with the robust harvest of miracles. We thank You for the divine strength, peace, and great grace to call upon Your Name, Lord. Forever, everybody in our homes shall praise You, Lord! Hallelujah! Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

4. We now declare that each day shall bring to be us amazing testimonies. God shall be the First and Last in our homes, and amazing happenings shall greatly manifest in our lives. Oh yes, Amen! O God, we pray that You convert our prayer life to daily fire. Heavenly Father, Lord, we pray that You pour Your Spirit of prayer and supplication upon our families and us. Every satanic altar assigned to afflict us shall scatter by the Holy Spirit and His fire. Blood-sucking demons assigned against our homes and us shall die, die, die, and dissolve. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

5. We release a torrent of the Holy Spirit’s fire upon all the powers assigned to trouble our lives and homes now. Oh yes, daily, all assigned powers of darkness shall catch fire and burn to ashes. We pray now that the God of Elijah shall torment all our enemies. The target record of the enemy of our lives shall catch fire and burn to ashes. May The Lord arise big for our homes. Oh yes, Amen! God shall come as a mighty wind and sweep off our problems. Amen, Jesus’ Blood shall wipe off marine agents assigned against our families and us. We now confront and conquer underwater kingdoms by the Blood of Jesus. Jesus’ Blood shall speak the superior voice of unstoppable grace, peace and favour upon us all to rain destruction on every marine kingdom responsible for any problem in our family lives. Every information about our lives in the marine kingdom is withdrawn now. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

6. Amen, O yes! We claim success. We claim sound health. We proclaim that we shall be alive to witness diverse kinds of testimony year in and year out. No weapon formed against us shall prosper! We declare just as help came daily to David, we shall experience an unhindered supply of help for our families and us, and as many as they that trust You for help. We declare that help shall arise speedily for us. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! We decree every day to birth good tidings for us! We are favoured! Amen, we are highly favoured forever. We shall prosper in all our endeavours! We now abort sickness and the unforeseen plan of the devil to make us sick. We declare that every time and season shall bring about an extraordinary massive turnaround in our families, careers, Businesses, and Marriages. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

7. There shall be manifestations of great happenings of God’s blessings for us, oh yes, Amen. We declare that we are shielded from every misfortune that moves with each day of the year. We shall enjoy safety. The Glory of the Lord shall arise big upon us daily. We shall be remembered, singled out for good, and celebrated forever. God’s goodness shall locate us at all times. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! We pray that God shall send out His arrows and scatter all our enemies; He will detonate lightning and discomfort to dislodge from their hidden places all who are fighting against us. We pray for ourselves under a corporate anointing and divine mandate of the harvest of miracles that every day shall bring us the fullness of glory in God’s blessings now and forever. Amen. We declare that no other will be able to take our seat of glory, our crown of victory and glory. No one will be able to unseat us from our seat of breakthroughs. Oh yes, Amen. We receive daily anointing not to be dispossessed from our core of breakthrough. The door of favour shall forever remain open to us. No evil will delete our favour. No demonic bird shall scatter our seed of progress. No satanic figure shall point an accusing finger at us. No devilish lips shall fabricate lies against us. No enemy shall be able to plot our downfall, shooting opposing arrows and bullets at us. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

8. We now declare that we are the heads, and shall never be tails. We now take authority over any situation in us and around us. No life’s challenge shall swallow our families and us. All things shall work together for good for our families and us. We receive the power to live in holiness and the Power of God’s goodness daily. The Spirit of Christ that dwells in us shall strengthen our physical body. No power of darkness shall be able to pluck us out of God’s Mighty Hand forever. Amen. We claim that we have power through the Lord Jesus Christ. We have joy and peace. We claim the peace of the Lord Jesus Christ inside us daily. Our mind is renewed by the word of the Lord daily. We are full of faith in God. We do not doubt it. We do not operate in unbelief. Jesus’ Blood shall cleanse us of every deadly poison from eating or drinking. Nothing evil shall harm or hurt us. Nothing dangerous shall come to us. No evil shall befall us, and no calamity shall come to our dwellings. Amen. The Spirit of God is a guide for us. We take authority over every day of our lives. We decree that no evil shall befall our homes and us. We declare that the end of the year’s disaster and tragedy shall never locate us and everyone in our homes. Every enemy’s attack against us shall backfire. God’s Power shall keep us safe forever. God’s power shall work in and for us and reverse all evil plans and wishes against us. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

9. Amen, oh yes! Your power, O Lord, shall keep our families and us from every form of evil on our path to victory daily. We declare daily victory over our lives and families. Holy Ghost fire shall secure our defence against dotage by fire. We are vigorously defended against every enemy’s attack. Amen. Lord God Almighty, we pray that You give us rest on every side so that we worship You for You love and care for us. Please keep our families and us from evil on all sides. Lord Jesus, You are Our Shepherd; we pray that You carry our families and us in Your hands. We mount on the horse of war and ride into the land of our breakthroughs and miraculous happenings. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! By Your mercy, O God, no evil disease shall cleave unto us or any member of our families. Our lives shall never give birth to trouble. We shall live to enjoy the harvest of miracles of Jesus’ Cross forever. We close the doors of our homes to abominations of any sort. We claim unending favour, unstoppable promotion, and divine breakthroughs, Successes in all our endeavours for daily living. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.

10. There shall be sound health for us all. Amen, oh yes! We claim good health, long life, breakthroughs, unending wealth, God’s blessings, and every good thing we believe to achieve in Christ Jesus. Just as the rising sun in the morning, we decree we shall rise above our equals, and none of our counterparts could see our shadow. No wicked power will see us coming in glory! We declare ourselves as fabulous every day with new experiences of miracles waiting for us. Our lives shall continue to shine with light and sunshine. We shall be blessed with incredible joy and rejoicing in daily living with lots of love and success. Amen. We shall smile forever. We shall laugh forever. There shall be an abundance of good tidings in our lives and families. May our days be soaked in success and prosperity; may we find endless peace for the rest of our lives. We shall shout a substantial happy new season every day to those who mean a lot to us; may our days shine in the light of progress. Amen. We shall not find it challenging to excel in this life, as it is easy for the leaves to drop from the tree, so also we shall live a problem-free life, and all problems in our lives shall scatter in pieces and dissolve to dust. As the first sunrises every day of the world continent, our fortunes shall arise one after the other until we reach our goals. God shall lead us in ways that we do not know, in paths that we have not known; God shall guide us. God shall turn the darkness before us into light, the rough places into level ground. We shall receive blessings; these are the things God shall do for us. God will never forsake our families, HE will never shame us, and we shall praise HIM forever. Amen. Amen, we now declare that God’s blessing shall time come to us. We shall receive blessings unstoppable. God shall make ways for us even where there seems no way. Timely help shall arrive for us. Yes, Amen! The Holy Spirit’s Power shall come upon us, and God’s miracles shall bring us divine guidance. Amen.



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