Look, I am with you, and I will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land. For I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you.”

“Yahweh is my best friend and my shepherd. I always have more than enough. He offers a resting place for me in his luxurious love. His tracks take me to an oasis of peace near the quiet brook of bliss. That’s where he restores and revives my life. He opens before me the right path and leads me along in his footsteps of righteousness so that I can bring honor to his name. Even when your path takes me through the valley of deepest darkness, fear will never conquer me, for you already have! Your authority is my strength and my peace. The comfort of your love takes away my fear. I’ll never be lonely, for you are near. You become my delicious feast even when my enemies dare to fight. You anoint me with the fragrance of your Holy Spirit; you give me all I can drink of you until my cup overflows. So why would I fear the future? Only goodness and tender love pursue me all the days of my life. Then afterward, when my life is through, I’ll return to your glorious presence to be forever with you!”

“Never doubt God’s mighty power to work in you and accomplish all this. He will achieve infinitely more than your greatest request, your most unbelievable dream, and exceed your wildest imagination! He will outdo them all, for his miraculous power constantly energizes you.”

(Genesis 28:15; Psalms 23:1-6 TPT; Ephesians 3:20 TPT)

Praise God, Hallelujah!

Praise God, Amen!!

Praise God, Hallelujah!!!

Amen in the Name of Jesus Christ, we declare as follows:

1. All glory to God! We thank You for the grace to pursue, overtake, redeem the time and recover fully. We thank You for Your love is eternal, and Your mercy on us is everlasting. We thank You, for there is no one like You. We praise You, O Lord! Who is like unto Thee, Lord!” We thank You for You ordain scary noises unto the camp of the enemies of the Gospel in our lives, homes, and in all that we do! We thank You for what You have done for us forever. Hallelujah! Oh yes, Amen! We now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

2. All glory to God! We thank You for the Power to Prosper You granted us. We thank You for Your provision for us daily. We thank You perpetually, Lord! All security men in charge of satanic banks harbouring our blessings were paralyzed. We thank You for terminating the appointment of all satanic bankers and managers working against our finances. We thank You for commanding Your thunder to break to pieces all the satanic strong rooms harbouring our goodness. We thank You for the glorious manifestation. You command ever raining of Your goodness upon us. Hallelujah! Oh yes, Amen! We now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

3. All glory to God! For the destruction of the walls of Jericho in our lives and families. We thank You for providing songs of praise unto You, Lord, for how far You helped us in our life journey. We thank You for being our Refuge and Fortress forever. We thank You for divine cover. We thank You for Jesus’ blood. Hallelujah! Oh yes, Amen! We now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

4. Amen, God shall empower our prayers altar by fire. God shall soak us in the spirit of prayer for the harvest of answered prayers with great miracles. God shall arise in His power and fight for us on every front. Amen. We now declare that we shall possess our possessions. We shall occupy on every front; we are occupying to God’s glory. We receive the anointing and power to pursue, overtake, and recover at heaven’s speed. Amen. We shall never be afraid to succeed in life. We shall receive grace and endurance to enjoy building good relationships for God’s glory.  No evil will be able to break our courage in worshipping God. No evil will befall us, and no calamity will come to our dwellings. Good thoughts and prayers of others shall bring us great miracles. No wicked ideas and curses against us shall prosper. We shall receive joy and rejoices as blessings from God for us to celebrate. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! We now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

5. We crash our fear. Our fear shall dissolve. We confess that the LORD is our light and salvation; whom shall we fear? The LORD is the strength of our life; of whom shall we be afraid? When the wicked, even our enemies and foes, came upon us to eat up our flesh, they stumbled and fell. Though a host should encamp against us, our heart shall not fear: though war should rise against us, in this will we be confident. Amen. We now declare that every spirit of limitation against our breakthroughs shall dissolve and never rise against us. Every power of demotion targeted against our goals and aspirations shall die. We claim fortune; we shall enjoy the best this day can offer; we possess a great future. We pronounce being the best and the best in all we do. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

6. For the challenges now and the ones that lie ahead, we claim miraculous victory. We shall manifest in God’s glory. We declare that we are the Crown of glory in God’s Hands. We receive the anointing for divine reassurance. We receive strength for courageous winning. Miracles shall come to us in many forms and from the world’s four corners. Amen. Yes, Amen! Our glory shall begin to manifest. We shall be in the right places at the right time to enjoy the daily blessing of God’s goodness. Miracles occurrences shall come to us daily. We shall receive miracles that bring confidence and strengthen our paths for daily success. We welcome the anointing to make the right decision and live in sound health to enjoy our harvests of answered prayers with great miracles. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

7. We put the Cross between our lives and stagnancy of any form. Stagnancy shall die in our lives. We shall move forward in the good things of life. Frustration and disappointment shall terminate in our entire lives. Frustration and disappointment shall be the portion of every object fashioned against our life and family. Amen. There shall be an immediate end to every tie to polluted objects and items between our lives and families. Every demonic weapon against our lives shall break, and every condemnation pronounced inwardly against our destiny shall break. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

8. God shall order our steps in the right direction at all times. We shall receive sufficient grace to do the will of God at all times. God shall grant us peace of mind, and we shall live our lives in a calm state of mind forever.  Our thoughts shall be peaceful and agreeable at all times with joy and peace. Amen. We shall receive the grace to live long and take things one step at a time. We shall enjoy God’s hands of miraculous favour and grace upon our lives and families. We shall receive the calmness of life and the power of positive thoughts that pave the way for success for us at all times. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

9. Sanctify our minds, O Lord! Please give us the power to achieve anything we put our minds to doing and lay our hands to execute. Anoint our lives for outstanding accomplishments. We rebuke distractions of any kind; we receive the ability to refocus and succeed exceptionally in all we do. We shall receive the wisdom and understanding to take a break and move forward even when things become challenging. We shall acquire strength to wait upon the Lord, who is worthy of our praises. Amen. We shall receive strength to get discerning and succeed ultimately, even when we are not successful on the first attempt. We welcome every available fruit of the Holy Spirit for a great life of joy and happiness. Oh yes, every cloud has a silver lining. All darkness in our cloud shall bring us the rain of God’s mercy, favour and great fortune. We shall receive the power to bulldoze through every challenge on our path to victory. We shall be resourceful even when it seems we are stuck with difficulties. The Holy Spirit shall refresh us with wisdom and understanding for hope to burn bright in our hearts. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.

10. We shall keep reaching for the best. We shall keep living to enjoy joy and peace. We shall continue to enjoy God’s goodness for our lives and families. We shall prosper in the use of every little detail we know. We shall gain daily knowledge to see the bigger picture and thank God daily for whom God is forever. Amen. We shall receive daily revelation knowledge. We shall know the secret things of glorious manifestation. We shall receive ease gracefully and great wisdom to discover hidden things from the Lord. We shall launch into the deep, the faith to win at all times. By faith, all our desires for breakthroughs shall come to pass. All our hearts’ desires shall come to fruition robustly and timely to God’s glory. Amen. Whatever we lay our hands to do, our numbers shall come up gloriously. We now command the hidden treasures and open heavens to come to us. God shall sanctify all our dreams of the nights to bring us both the lower and upper strings. God shall grant us the strength daily to pursue our goals and be fulfilled. God’s Hands of miracles shall be upon us forever. We shall praise God’s Name forever. Amen. Oh yes, Amen! Amen, we now receive the blessing, and declare that the Holy Spirit and His Power shall come upon us and that God’s miracles shall bring us good fortunes forever. Amen. We now open our mouths widely and request that the Holy Spirit fills us, move us, use us, go before us, make the rough places smooth, shatter the doors of bronze and cut through their iron bars, and satisfy us with Your fullness. Amen.



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