“You take care of the earth and water it, making it rich and fertile. The river of God has plenty of water; it provides a bountiful harvest of grain, for you have ordered it so.” (Psalm 65:9, NLT).

1. The Lord Almighty shall care for you and your family continuously and water you all. God will make you rich and water you with ideas that will cause you to be wealthy and fertile. Amen.

2. You and yours shall enjoy the best in abundance, and a harvest of miracles shall remain your reward. It shall be well with everything concerning you and your family in Jesus’ Name. Amen.

According to God’s Word for us in Isaiah 58:11-12, I now proclaim upon you and your family as follows:

3. God will always show you where to go and give you the fruit of abundant life in the emptiest of places. Amen.

4. God will grant you firm muscles and strong bones, and you will be like a well-watered garden, a gurgling spring that never runs dry. Amen.

5. Oh yes, Amen. God will use the old rubble of your past to build you a new level of prosperity. God shall rebuild the foundations from out of your history. Amen

6. God shall anoint you, and you shall be known as someone who can fix anything, restore old ruins, rebuild and renovate, and make the community livable again. Amen.

7. The Almighty God will terminate the appointment of everyone frustrating your life and bring testimonies out of whatever you are going through now. You shall be excellent and never be put to shame. You shall enjoy the bounty of where you reside and beyond. You and yours shall glorify God’s Name forever.

8. Without further delay, oh yes, without hesitation, every pending miracle and blessing of yourself and all yours are now flourishing in your life for all to see. I declare that God shall now open one great door leading you to many other extraordinary doors of breakthroughs and unlimited success. Amen.

9. The Lord God will reward you for your previous hard work in your field of endeavour and will make you a lender to nations. Those who pushed you out from a height will see you moving higher, better, faster and more glorious. Amen.

10. May many miracles of success meet you at every turn. May any of your work or business go easy with you! I pray you, your children, and your grandchildren into daily happiness! All adversity shall be left behind, and only new victories await you! May the Lord Jesus hears all your prayers and restore you fully. Be blessed!


Peace forever,


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