PROPHETIC DECLARATION – Weekend 1; 07/01/2023

PROPHETIC DECLARATION – Weekend 1; 07/01/2023

As you journey through the New Year 2023, God will put a smile on your face, and all your expectations will receive divine approval.

What brought you tears in the previous years will turn around for public celebration, and all your long-awaited testimony will mature.

What appears hopeless shall get divine solutions, and every caged blessing shall be released.

You will receive unusual grace to scale obstacles that may come your way throughout this year.

Anyone tagged as powerful to rekindle, re-emerge and bring to your life the battles you fought last year that the Lord of Host has given you victory over in your life; such individual shall dissolve and render nullity.

Any man or woman born of a woman that says you will not rest from fighting battles this year such human-being shall receive a hot judgement of God. For you and your family, it shall all end in praise and joy.

Grace will never choose you and leave you to suffer. You and yours shall never remain the same. God shall strengthen you with Grace.

Grace will speak for you and change your level; every time this year will bring your harvest of miracles, and God’s Mercy shall speak for you.

Jesus’ Blood shall speak better to your life – Mercy, Grace, Favour, Prosperity, Peace, Joy, and Rejoicing.

Begin to take authority as I invoke the blood of Jesus for cleansing and washing. No evil spoken concerning you shall stand.


Peace forever,


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