The seventh seal opened in Revelation 8, followed by complete silence in Heaven. Subsequently, there were graphics displayed of what happened when believers prayed. I don’t know your view of prayer, but I suggest you never see prayer as a waste of time. In this Scripture, we see a little reality of what happened behind the scene when we prayed. As we prayed, it went to God like burning perfumes as sweet-smelling aroma incense, and God directed His Angels in response to those prayers. Yes, God answers our prayers uniquely. Going with Revelation 8:3-5, this presents a symbolic reality of the time God spoke to Moses on Mount Sinai. I suggest you keep praying and expect great answers as a response from our great God. He will always answer your prayers in line with His perfect will. When we pray, something supernatural starts to happen. Yes, when we pray, something extraordinary occurs. Prayer is the most potent posture we can take in this earthly realm. When we pray, we connect the most substantial part of ourselves with the most powerful troop in the universe–the Spirit of God. When we open ourselves to Him, God’s Spirit testifies with our spirit that we are His children. The Spirit himself testifies with our spirit that we are God’s children. Prayer, then, is simply talking to our Father. And by him we cry, “Abba, Father.” (Romans 8:15–16, NIV). Keep praying, for, with your prayers, things are indeed happening. That’s it!!!
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