Have you thought about what could have become of the great Samson? Especially if he would have checked his heart at the very beginning and said, “God, help me to say no to these temptations and distractions that are taking me from what You want me to be and do,” if he had just asked for forgiveness and repented of his sins. He had the power to say, “Okay, I’m done with that lifestyle, and I’m breaking away from the friends I’ve been hanging on to. God, help me be strong.” The great Apostle Paul says, “Set your mind on things above, not on earthly things” (Colossians 3:2). That means to set your mind on the crucial things in life–the things that bring you closer to God, that cause you to have a healthy marriage, good relationships, and a great job. Set your mind to walk in integrity and a clear conscience, and establish your mind to honour God in all you do–big and small! That’s it!!!
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