Have you not heard that you need to proclaim it, sing it and declare it satisfactorily that Jesus Christ calls you His friend? God takes great delight when we understand why we are here: for the most significant relationship, fellowship, companionship, and friendship with Him. “Greater love has no one than this,” Jesus once said, “that he lay down his life for his friends. You are My friends if you do what I command.” So it’s one thing to drop Jesus’ name when it’s convenient and say He’s a friend, and another thing altogether when He drops your name and says, “You are My friend.” Well, whom did He die for? Not just the clergy or the popular or the good—looking or the elite. No, He died for every living, breathing soul on the planet. That includes lovely you! So in this age of disposable friendships, take solitude in this phrase as you say it and sing it: “I am a friend of God. He calls me friend.” That’s it!!!

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