In Matthew 13, Jesus spoke about a farmer who went out to sow his seed in the field. Any seeds that fell along the walking path remained on the surface and were eaten by the birds. But Jesus also talked about the origin falling on good soil and producing a fantastic crop. He didn’t mention the birds coming and eating some of the seed there, though I’m sure they did. He wanted us to see that if we keep throwing those seeds out and keep the soil of our hearts sound, that seed will take root and grow. He’s saying, “Don’t look at the birds; look at your seed. The seeds you are sowing will outlive any birds coming to eat by the roadside. Yes, it is a matter of time; any setbacks, any trials, any difficulties that you face will soon dissolve. Just keep your soil fertile with praise and thanksgiving. Keep doing what’s right, going to church, reading the Word, and praying. You won’t be disappointed. I’ll crown your efforts with success.” There will always be birds trying to steal our seed. Just throw out more grain than they can eat. Our God, the Creator of the universe, can open doors supernaturally. He can cause your finances to go further. He can cause things to happen that you’ve never dreamed possible. Be differentiated and say, “I’m not going to focus on the problems. I’m focusing on the fact that my God can take the seed sown and do more than I can ask, think, or imagine.” That’s it!!!