Call it Empathy or Compassion, either way, it is overall robust and very influential. Empathy delivers supernatural occurrences and works miracles. Jesus didn’t simply feel sorry for those in need. No, His compassion moved Him to activity. He moved and supplied to meet their needs by His Mercy. Similarly, the missionary John says regarding us, “If anyone…sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart of compassion against him, how can the love of God live in him?” (1 John 3:17). We as a whole must show some care of sympathy that God needs to manage toward others. It can either be open or closed. If it is turned down, God’s affection can’t stream out of it. Assuming we will carry on with the bountiful life that God has given us, we want to work up our hearts of empathy and say, “God, open my heart and my eyes to see individuals who need my love today.” That’s it!!!

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