Have you not heard that the lies you tell yourself destroy you more severely than the lies others tell you? Too often, we get comfortable with where we are in life and use that as an excuse to remain in mediocrity. “My parents were poor,” we say with a lack of understanding. “Before them, my grandparents were poor. Nobody in my family has ever amounted to much, so I won’t either.” You must have a rethink and tell yourself your discovered truth about yourself. You must remember to live daily on a great compliment available to you! That’s the way it should be. God’s people should be the happiest people on earth. So delighted that other people noticed. Why? Because we not only have a great future, we can enjoy life today! Living your best life now means being excited about the life God has given you. It means believing for more good things in the days ahead while living in the moment and enjoying it to the hilt. That’s it!!!