Yes, God is fulfilling that He promised that this is our year of harvest of answered prayers. I know you have been living in the power of new testimony daily, but let me encourage you further. Begin to step into new territory if you have not. Start doing new things! I mean to remind you that you need to step into drying the red sea in your path. Yes, start stepping into that region called life unknown to you now. That’s why your faith is indeed a fruit of the Holy Spirit. Have you been afraid to step out and do something new because you don’t know how it will work out? Pray that God will increase your faith, and you must let go of your fear, take that new step, relieving tension and in God’s peace. Learn how to let go of the need to know all of the details of how it’s going to work out, and instead, trust God’s guidance in your life. Psalm 119:105, “Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.” God will lead you in every step that you take. Yes, God will indeed order your step to greatness. However, you must fulfil the initial stage before the next step is revealed. That’s it!!!

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