Have you not heard that the life dichotomy is all about getting up and moving? Even when you stay up, you must keep moving. You have your living through moving. It’s tempting to stay down, live bitter, or give up on your ambitions. After all, you could have a good excuse. You may have a reason, but you don’t have a right. God still has a great purpose in front of you. He saw what happened, what they did, who left you out, what you lost. He said he would pay you back double for the unfair things. He said he has beauty for those ashes. But there’s something you have to do: you can’t sit around nursing your wounds, “Why did this happen to me”? Don’t put a question mark where God has put a period. Central to your faith is trusting when life doesn’t make sense. We are never going to understand everything that happens. You can’t let one betrayal, one divorce, one lousy season sour the rest of your life. I know it wasn’t fair, it was painful, it wasn’t your fault, but you can’t stop there. You have a responsibility to get back up. You must get up and keep moving. That’s it!!!

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