Yes, Freedom Plus, and I quote: “…and brought his people safely out from Egypt, loaded with silver and gold; there were no sick and feeble folk among them then.” (Psalm 105:37, TLB). Friend, the Israelites were in slavery for hundreds of years in Egypt. They were mistreated and taken advantage of at the time. But God supernaturally brought them out. As they were leaving, the people who had oppressed them for all those years gave them gold, silver, and clothing. They didn’t go looking like what they had been through as enslaved people, but they were loaded down with gifts. Today’s Scripture says, “there were no sick or feeble ones among them,” yet they hadn’t had pharmacies or hospitals. And through the forty years of the wilderness wanderings, their clothes and shoes didn’t wear out. Nobody could tell they had been enslaved. Why? When God restores, there is no sign of what you’ve been through, for the Restoration shall be total. That’s it!!!

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