Yes, you can be good to someone next to you. Yes, you have to be good to that fellow next to you! Why? God is taking you where you can’t go on your own. New levels of a blessed life, influence, and new opportunities are coming. He knows how to thank you. He knows how to open the windows of heaven. You can’t be good to somebody without God being good back to you. That’s just the way God is. When you give, God gives you more back. When you show someone a favour, He shows you more favour. When you make it your business to serve, you’re going to see breakthroughs, promotions, and doors open that you couldn’t open. Keep going the extra mile, and the blessings will come to you. Your prayers become effectual! Let’s pray, please: “Father, thank You for the opportunities You bring my way to serve others. Thank You that Jesus came not to be served but to serve others and give His life as a ransom for many. Help me be like Him and keep going the second mile for others, knowing Your blessings are coming. In Jesus’ Name, Amen.” That’s it!!!