Yes, you and I need divine guidance for daily living in terms of directives and supplies! Elijah received collections extraordinary from the raven, the widow, and an Angel at God’s commands (1 Kings 17). Friend, open heavens come through your receiving of divine guidance! Yes, you have skills, you got talents, and you are an expert in what you do! It would help if you had divine guidance as well. Here it is: Cast the net on the right side of the boat, and you will find some (John 21:6a): Jesus made a strange notion to His disciples. There was no plausible reason why fishing in the morning light would be better than fishing at night. There was no reason why fishing on one side of the boat would be better than on the other side. It wasn’t even directly a test of trust in Jesus because they did not know it was Him until they caught the fish; this was probably a test of their means to find the guidance of God in little and unsuspected ways – such as a stranger calling out fishing instructions from the shore. That’s it!!!
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