Several questions remain unanswered whenever we touch on the topic of favour! With such a statement, I consider it beneficial to discuss what favour is not rather than what it is! That favour is not about having a massive house, a better car, this or that stuff. In other words, it’s all about why God has chosen to favour you! It appears that one response to why God favours His people is typical to all Bible’s recipients of favour. God will not favour you for the reasons you thought He would! What? Yes! Your reasons for asking for God’s favour is not why God will favour you. Favour is given to you so that you fulfil God’s purpose for your life. Yes, you receive God’s favour to advance His kingdom. Favour is about connecting you, establishing you within the network that brings you purpose’ fulfilment! When your ambitions are tied to helping others to succeed, to making the world a better place, to lift the fallen, you will come into the proper understanding that you receive favour in furtherance of God’s Kingdom on earth. In times like this, favour speaks a better thing; you are using God’s favour upon your life to favour others! That’s it!!!