Someone asked me recently about what I mean about an Oil of Grace? Since God declared this year as our harvest of answered prayers, I receive Holy Spirit leading before giving specific answers to questions! Yes, I open my mouth and give the Holy Spirit absolute latitude to speak through me. I anchor my response to the Scriptural Testimony in Gen.41:52: “For God hath caused me to be fruitful”. Therefore, the oil of grace ensures that all your endeavours shall be fruitful, and you shall be blessed beyond every expectation. Yes, this is it; in this context of the harvest of answered prayers, Oil of Grace shall make you function excellently without struggle. It means with oil of grace upon you, God’s favour shall lift you and neutralise heaven laden in your labour to give your rest (Matthew 11:28). It means when God’s Grace oiled your life, God’s favour and mercy speaks for you and take full charge of all you do. Then, protocols are suspended, yokes are broken, and you enjoy the very best of God’s provision. As I am sharing this, I declare that the Holy Spirit shall oil you with the Grace of God. Amen. The Grace of God will always speak for you; you won’t be delayed, you won’t be denied, you won’t be disgraced, you won’t be disappointed. The oil of Grace upon your life will never run dry in the matchless and mighty name of Jesus Christ. Amen. I’m just sharing my response to a friend’s question. That’s it!!!

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