Have you not heard that desperate situations call for desperate actions? You can demonstrate how desperate you need God’s deliverance urgently by making a vow to God and endeavouring to fulfil it. Such a vow is meant to demonstrate your faith, your readiness for deliverance from dryness and emptiness. It is an affirmation that the harvest of Hannah’s answered prayers is yours, and so shall it be. You are not making a vow to receive the answers; the solutions are there; you make a vow to demonstrate your readiness to harvest bountifully and be fulfilled. You know what? Challenges time is not the time for you to abandon God or distance yourself from fellowship. Instead, it is the time to seek God more. Wait upon the Lord when you can find Him. The time of sorrow or challenges embeds in itself the opportunity to see God more than before. Yes, when in distress, anguish, pain, or bitterness of soul, etc., you can still pour out your soul to God, tell Him how you feel, and don’t withhold a thing; this makes way for your lifting in seeking God in prayers. Seek God for who He is and not just for what you can get. God knows how to bring extraordinary out of your nothingness. That’s it!!!

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