All I see; all I’m hearing from God is, the year 2022 is a year for the harvest of answered prayers for the prayerful. Yes, God’s people of prayerful intent shall receive a bountiful harvest of God’s answers to their prayers! I don’t know what your pastors, prophets, evangelists are seeing and or saying to you right now. But I give you what I received from above; God is bringing you and yours a great harvest of answered prayers! Yes, the tears you shed in prayers from yesteryears till now will be like seeds that, in a meadow that, in time throughout much toil and suffering, will rise to a great harvest of joy and thankfulness in the coming years starting from 2022. “Once again my people will see the difference between what happens to the righteous and to the wicked, to the person who serves me and the one who does not.” (Malachi 3:18, GNT). My friend, get ready for the harvest of answered prayers, the yield of answers to your prayers!!! That’s it!!!

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