With the lips of your mouth, build others and God’s kingdom on earth! It means you remain gracious with your words! Here and there, we pull out all the stops with our words, not reasoning they will get back to us. In any case, what you say to and about others will influence you. The author of Proverbs says we will eat from the product of our lips. We want to painstakingly pick the words we address others because we will result from what we say. My inquiry to you is, would you say you are an individual who is putting aside certain instalments of graciousness and sympathy in others’ lives, somebody who is increasing the value of their lives? Or then again, would you say you are somebody who is making withdrawals from others’ passionate pots, somebody who is exhausting the worth of their lives through analysis and antagonism? Do you have a structured mindset, somebody who is utilising your words and activities to impact the lives around you? It’s not difficult to see what’s up with others, and it’s not difficult to chop individuals down and be at chances with them. However, it takes a great builder to see what’s right and realise how to help them. You can affect the existence of individuals around you by setting aside beauty filled instalments into their records. Be a gracious builder today. That’s it!!!