Yes, people talk about you creating or looking for opportunities! Have you not heard that prospects shall look for you? Indeed, the goodness of God shall follow you in their multitudes! In 2 Samuel 7:18, King David deemed his life; he was saying, “I’m not the greatest, the biggest, I’m not the biggest, or the most qualified. I was a shepherd, and look where You’ve taken me.” He didn’t have to go after it; it came after him. God has some far-and-beyond opportunities that are about to come looking for you. It’s the arm of the Lord reaching down to promote, elevate, to increase you. As with David, you’re going to look back and say, “God, look what You’ve done. I never dreamed You would take me to this level.” God is carrying you and lifting you in the matchless and mighty Name! Amen!!! That’s it!!!