He who does not enter the sheepfold by the door, but climbs up some other way, the same is a thief and a robber(John 10:1). The true Shepherd must enter by the door! Political and spiritual leaders were often called shepherds in the ancient world (Isaiah 56:11, Jeremiah 3:15). Jesus illustrated that not everyone is a true shepherd; some are like thieves and robbers. One mark of their being a thief and a robber is how they gain entry among the sheep. The idea is that there is a door, a proper way to gain access. Not everyone who stands among the sheep comes that way. Some climb up some other way. The religious leaders earned their place among God’s people – the sheep spoken of here – through personal and political connections, formal education, ambition, manipulation, and corruption. Meaning, not all religious leaders are the true shepherd of the sheep! Today, not all pastors are indeed true shepherds!!! That’s it!!!