Have you ever thought of life as a grade? See it this way; life comes to us as a degree. Yes, life is a matter of degrees. C. H. Spurgeon once said: “Some have life, but it flickers like a dying candle and is indistinct as the fire in the smoking flax; others are full of life and are bright and vehement.” In other words, with a horizontal view of life, someone with a lot of life has stamina. Someone with a lot of life has increased energy. Someone with a lot of life has a large sphere of living. Someone with a lot of life can do things. Someone with a lot of life has an overflow of enjoyment. Someone with a lot of life has what it takes to win. You can see why life remains a degree! In other words, I say to you, get a lot of life as you continue to live your life! That’s it!!!

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