When you ask questions about many challenges of life, remember we get squeezed in agony, the setback, the humiliation, the embarrassment, saying: “I should have done better. What was wrong with me, for God’s sake?” One thing is very sure. God knows He made us be mortals. Yes, as a human, you must cease being so hard on yourself. Your blunder didn’t stop what God has planned for your life. Have this insight, sometimes God has to close a door so that He can open an enormous door. He’ll move a person out of your life because they’re limiting your growth. What looks like a failure is honestly the hand of God decreeing your advancing steps. Please take a careful; it will not happen by your struggles, your proficiency. Yes, use your talents; yes, use your gifts; yes, be your very best. Anyway, what God is about to do for you is all supernatural. That’s it!!!

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