In John 8:6, there was an assertion that Jesus could write and that He wrote in the presence of the woman and these men. What Jesus wrote has been an endless source of inference for teachers, preachers, and commentators. Some think that Jesus dabbled in the dirt. The verb translated wrote could also mean, to draw. Some think Jesus slowed for time. Some believe that Jesus wrote the passage in the law that indicted the extramarital woman. Some think Jesus wrote out a quote like Exodus 23:1: “Do not put your hand with the wicked to be an unrighteous witness.” Some believe that Jesus wrote the names of the accusers. Some think that Jesus the sins of the accusers. Some believe that Jesus followed Roman judicial practice and wrote out His sentence before He said it. The common Greek word for to write is graphein, but here the term used is katagrapheini, which can mean to write down a record against someone. Jesus is still writing today to identify with sinners!!!

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