What a Psalm? For this Psalm started incredibly and ended exemplary! Yes, this Sabbath hymn begins with a straightforward yet significant assertion. It is a good thing to give thanks to Yahweh, the covenant God of Israel and the Maker of the heavens and the earth. Yes, it is good because the gratitude is to our Creator, and much appropriate to give thanks eternally to HIM. It is good because, thanks to our Covenant Redeemer is fitting. It is good because thanks to the ONE who blesses and delivers us is correct. It is good because thanks to the ONE who is all-good is always good. It is good because thanks to God does us benefit. It is good because, thanks to God sets an example for others to do the same. It is good because a mere attitude of thankfulness is not enough; give thanks wholeheartedly, for it is a good thing to thank God!
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