Christ Jesus died, rose, and will return to take us home because we deserve more than the less. Do you know your worth? Do you know why you need to know your worth? What is your best at this time? I say to you, do not settle for the less of your best! Do you remember that at a point in life, both in spirituality and material, you are going to have to start demanding what you deserve? Yes, you must be willing to walk away if what you require can not be in provision in your career and much more. Your best is in Christ Jesus. God needs us to be perfect in obedience and any other godliness. And we all fall short of that standard. Jesus Christ lived the perfect and the exact life that God wants and paid our sin debt in full. What should we be saying? That is, Jesus Christ is our only claim to Heaven; HIS blood our only evidence to the Throne of Mercy. Jesus is the only way Hallelujah. Our decent and good works mean nothing. Jesus is our best, and HE’s enough for our salvation. That’s it!!!