Dorothy Day said: “January and February are those months when winter seems interminable and vitality is low. In the face of world events, in the face of the mystery of suffering, of evil in the world, it is a good time to read the Book of Job, and then to go on reading the Psalms, looking for comfort – that is, strength to endure. Also, to remember the importunate widow, the importunate friend [Luke 18:1-8; Luke 11:5-8]. Both are stories that Jesus told. Then to pray without ceasing as Paul urged. And just as there was that interpolation in Job – that triumphant cry – “I know that my Redeemer liveth,” so we too, can know that help will come, that the goodwill triumph. Bitter though it is today with ice and sleet, the sap will soon be rising in those bare trees down the street from us.”